
Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Izziwizzi Kids and Play Fest - Your Chance to be a Reviewer!

Izziwizzi Kids is the brainchild of a lady named Al Boxall-Gordon - here is what it's all about, in her own words: was born way back in 2005 when Al Boxall-Gordon (a new mum at the time) who was finding world surrounding children, toys and play frustrating. At that time the emphasis on toys and play seemed to be very much centred around what was most profitable, rather than why different types of play were important and stimulating different types of play. And so it was… was born originally as an e-commerce store, moving into online TV offering alternative toys and gifts that followed a new set of rules.

Toys, gifts and play should stimulate a wide and carefully researched range of aspects of a child’s development

Toys and gifts should be considerate to the needs of parents (including storage and fit with lifestyle)

Toys and play should stimulate different aspects of interaction …parent and child, child alone and child with other children.

Toys and gifts should not be so heavily disposable. We should take responsibility for the way that toys and gifts are produced (both socially and environmentally) and we opt for good quality and robustness over price.

The latest fads are a no go. Everything is centred around what is good for the child and not what is good for the pockets of major corporations.

Children using their imaginations and stretching themselves mentally and physically.

Since it’s launch, has featured on GMTV, LK Today, This Morning and Loose Women to name but a few. And although has taken a new direction away from an e-commerce store, with our new direction and focus for the website as an interactive resource, we are now able to offer you even more services than ever. As a result we continue to go from strength to strength.

Play Fest is the online meeting and discussion that takes place most Tuesdays 8.30-10.00pm on Twitter using the hashtag #Playfest, and Thursdays 8.30-10.00pm on the Izziwizzi Kids Facebook Page. These discussions are open to anyone to join in and usually offer a chance to win some of the products and toys featured that week. It has become increasingly popular and is now attracting a big crowd and some top names in the toy industry including Lego, Mattel and Brio.

Because of the success of Playfest, Izziwizzi Kids is now looking to recruit toy reviewers who will be given training and support and regularly review. They need people who are keen and can turn around video reviews in around a week or so. You don't need to be David Bailey or have equipment better than the BBC, but you need to have children and be interested in play! To apply you will need to submit a 1-2 minute video to the Izziwizzi Kids Facebook Page and a pool of reviewers will be chosen from the applicants.

If you've always fancied reviewing but never known where to start, or you just want to join in, why not give it a go?

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