
Monday 11 March 2013

Mothering Monday ~ That day after Mothering Sunday

I've spent the majority of my Mother's Days over the last 20 years feeling a bit conned. You got your 'day off', but the fallout is all a bit hard work....

On 'Mothering Monday' as you're sweeping, washing pots, washing 3 extra loads of clothes, finding a hidden broken plate and picking up 27 different bits from jigsaws and box games, it's hard not to wonder why you didn't actually do a bit more on Mothering Sunday in order to protect yourself...... I think that's why we get all the chocolates and flowers, it's to distract our attention - and gives us something to nibble on while we sit in a corner sobbing for 2 hours.

My lot tried this year, they tried really hard and I had a lovely lazy day (well, after being woken at 7.20am because the little ones were so excited to open my chocolates). I got a lovely pile of gifts, certificates and cards. I had chocolate brownies cooked for me, takeaway for tea, pots were washed, toys were picked up. I got 3 coffees without even asking. No-one argued. It was a very good day.

Today I got everyone off to school and came home ready to face my task, prepared for a long day. It actually wasn't so bad, in fact it wasn't really any worse than a regular Monday morning. Apparently it really does get better as they get older. To all of you with only young children ~ do not give up hope.

To my children (and my partner) ~ thank you xx


  1. Ooo yum Thorntons chocolates! Like I said to you on twitter, a lie in etc on Mother's Day is great but you end up feeling annoyed when the house is still a mess when you wake up LOL I still got up and tidied. I did get to go out for dinner though so that was good :)

    1. I did think of you as I was typing it up! Glad you went out for dinner though, very special :)

  2. Ah, lovely presents! We had a busy day in the end but got a lovely roast dinner at my Mum's, which was fab. Spent time with MiL to and generally had a nice day. Glad yours didn't let you down.

    1. Aww, that's lovely that you managed to get around all of the Mums though. It would have been nice to see our Grandma - she'll have to wait until Easter ;)

  3. Awwww - fab pressies x Hope you have survived today ok and are not currently suffocating beneath the tower of washing following your 'day off' ;) lol x

    1. Nope, it really has been lovely this year. Of course I'll expect annual repeat performances now.... ;)

  4. Sounds lovely but I know what you mean about today! I have so much washing to catch up on I don't think relaxing yesterday was worth it!

    1. I honestly don't think it is - not until you have at least 2 willing slaves... :)

  5. Aaaw bless what fab gifts ...sounds like you had a fab day x

  6. Same here. My kitchen clean up lasted the whole day and if I am honest I think the house was a little better than the average Sunday. No more Mothering Monday Blues for us!

    1. I don't know how you feel, but it's given me a weird sense of achievement. It's definitely a win.. :D

  7. There IS hope for me then! At the moment, cleaning with them around (1 and 3 and two huskies) is like cleaning my teeth eating my hard earned chocolates ;)

    1. Aw yes, I know that feeling well - spending the morning moving from mess to mess as the little ones walk behind/in front of you creating havoc at a greater rate! Alas I still have that from my youngest...but never lose that hope, the day will come :D

  8. I must confess there are perks to only having one! One who is so well trained to get Daddy out of bed that he leaves me alone especially when my eyes are shut! plus he is so thoughtful and I had a chocolate rabbit, with a code to win a holiday!!

    1. Yep, that does sound like you have him very well trained! Daddy seems to be well trained too :D

  9. Thanks for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel! Hope you had a lovely day! x

    1. I did have a lovely day thank you, and it's always nice to pass on positive information where teenagers are concerned! :D


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