
Monday 20 May 2013

Cursing and Swearing

My 4 year old has been experimenting with cursing and swearing recently, introducing words to get a reaction and test how 'naughty' they are.

After nursery this morning he told me he knew a swear, but he wasn't going to say it. I told him this was good, I don't want to hear it. He ran off shouting, "I won't say it, but it begins with foll".


I can't think of a single swear word that begins with 'foll', and I tried to ignore it and carry on with the washing and forget about it, but it was bugging me. Ten minutes later and against my better judgement I resumed conversation about swearing and bad language, in the hopes he'd just mention it without my asking. He again referred to the swear word he knew that starts with 'foll'. "Are you sure it starts foll?" I asked as casually as I could. Yep, he replied "fuh...oh...ol" and off he went again. I really had to drop it now.

Making tea in the kitchen is thinking time and I carried on trying to work out what he could be on about. I couldn't think of anything that fits. I'm more grown up than that, I should be able to let it drop and talk about anything else, but it really was bugging me. What if he had a swear word that I don't even know exists? I can't let the teenagers get one over on me, I have to know what everything they talk about is referring to at all times, it's a defensive measure. I might lose control and then everything could come crashing down on us and anarchy would reign. Convincing myself I now have to know because it's vitally important I called him into the kitchen.

"You know that word you didn't say earlier?"
"I can't remember what it was, can you remind me please?"
"It was two words. It was foll-locks"

"Thanks, that's it. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you also for reminding me that you are only 4, because for a minute there I think I never say it again, will you"...."I won't Mum, pinky promise"....

I think that may just be one 4 year old promise you can keep to....

Wot So Funee?


  1. Hee hee, that's brilliant. I'm totally stealing that one for a more small child friendly swear. Strictly under my breath you understand!

    1. Careful - if you say foll-locks he might mishear you :D

  2. lol! tbh when you started saying foll... i thought it was gonna end up as the phrase foll (full) of sh...!

    1. That's what I was thinking to start with, but each time he said it he definitely wasn't saying 'full' :D

  3. Love and hate it when they learn to swear but they are always so cute!

    1. That's spot on. It's so annoying, but you can't help but smile inside because there's something terribly cute ;)

  4. Miss M went through a phase a couple of years ago of saying Jesus Christ - it was all the time - so frustrating and she always said it in context!!

    1. They do the context thing very well - far too well. There must be something innate about it... :)

  5. Ha ha that has made me chuckle! 'Follocks' - I like it!

    1. I'm wondering if he misheard, or if the person who taught him did - I can imagine the whole of the nursery staff having a laugh about that one :D

  6. So sweet aren't they! My son has learnt about 'swear' words since starting school. Apparently frizzy knickers is a swear word and we are not to say it! Ah the innocence, give it another year and I'm sure there will be much worse 'F' words being used :)

  7. Lol! Big man made his own swear word up - smack nuts!

    1. Hahaha....that almost sounds like it has to be rude! I don't think I can encourage that one, the teenagers would have a field day! :D

  8. LOL now that is funny, lol. My toddler is doing the swearing thing but he does it when he's playing alone and gets pissed of with a toy. Clearly replaying what he's heard hubby and I do when annoyed and not realizing that a little ear is listening.

    1. I have heard a couple of 'bloody' when he thought Iwas n't near, but I turned a deaf ear ;)

  9. Oooh, but I wonder where he learned it? ;)

  10. That was a funny post, not for you Jenny - sorry! It sounds like a one off though. I have this to come no doubt :)

  11. I would have done exactly the same as you - I would have been too inquisitive to know what the word was!


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