
Wednesday 19 June 2013

First school reading book for boy no.3

My 4 year old brought home his first book from school this week. We're so proud, he's still a Nursery boy until September. It has no 'reading', but is full of words. It's called Extra Shopping and features a Daddy taking his children around a supermarket buying ingredients. First item on the list is 'Apples'. This might be a nice introduction to reading, except for the fact that it's at this point we realise boy no.3 has spent the last 4 years misunderstanding us.

What letter does apple start with?
Boy no.3 (age 4):Nuh
Me: No, think again, sound it out
BN3: Nuh
Me: Why would it be Nuh?
BN3: Napple....
Me: It's not A napple, it's AN apple
BN3: No it's not
Me: Yes it is
BN3: No, it's 5 apples, look...

The extra ingredients that the family buy made it far even more infuriating. They bought Ice Cream, Squirty Cream and chocolate ball sweeties to make a surprise dessert.

Boy no.4 (age 3): I want Saturday
Me: We all want Saturday
BN4: Can I have Saturday?
Me: On Saturday
BN4: Is it Saturday?
Me: Not yet.
BN4: Awwww, I want Ice Cream Saturday....

The book finally finished I think I want an ice cream Saturday too.....

Wot So Funee?


  1. lol a napple - how cute!

    1. I'm glad you think so. I've spent today attempting to annunciate really clearly!

  2. They are so cheeky! Love them to bits.

    1. They are really cheeky - I think having all the teenagers causes that! :D

  3. Aw, love it when they try really hard and you can see their logic behind what they say. Can't believe he's bringing books home from nursery!

    1. I can't believe it either, but it's a lovely thing. It is really lovely when they try to work out the 'rules' for words and grammar and get it a bit off :)

  4. Oooh I'm so enforcing Ice cream Saturdays here!

    1. I might too. I think mine might have to be alcohol drenched :D

  5. LOL so funny when they have their own words for things. Miss C spent a year calling the Gruffalo the fuckalo...

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, it is, although hopefully now he knows the right way to say it. We didn't correct the Ice Cream Saturday though, it was too funny :D

  7. We also have the frustration of a 4 year-old who sometimes gets mixed up with similar things. They're always so sure they're right, too ;) Lovely post, very cute xx

    1. Thank you! It is cute, and I see the same thing, they always argue with you because they're sure they have it right! :D

  8. Lovely post! Napple is just brilliant. And ice cream Saturdays - well they get my vote :) #wotsofunee

    1. Aw thank you...with comments like that it's worth every harassed moment :D

  9. Sounds really frustrating! Rather you than me :)

    1. Some days that would be the most sensible thing said! :D

  10. Oh he is so cute! And this is a blog hop! I didn't know about it! Xx


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