
Sunday 28 July 2013

Meningitis Day 18 ~ how ill is ill?

Apparently having Meningitis doesn't actually protect you from catching everything else.

After a very long week with slow recovery that would be almost impossible to measure if I wasn't writing it all down, my partner definitely took a step back. We've had 2 days where he hasn't wanted to come and sit with the kids, his head has been bad and he's felt far more unwell. It broke last night and when we went to bed his temperature was high.

By 2am he was up to 38.2 and I'd promised myself when he left hospital that if it went over 38 I was taking him back. He said he felt okay, his neck wasn't actually stiff, he just felt ill and his throat was very sore with huge swollen glands. I made him get out from under the duvet and have Paracetamol and by 2.20am he was back down to 37.4 and I agreed to stop worrying so much and see how things were in the morning.

I really did revisit the terror for a few moments, and my Google was on overdrive. I know that Septicaemia can show up for a couple of weeks after Meningitis, and although I keep telling myself he should be okay because he had 3 different antibiotics in hospital, you cant stop worrying. I spent a broken night testing his temperature every time I woke, and thankfully it was high, but okay.

This morning he was bundled in the duvet saying he's cold, still hot and with a very sore throat. A quick look and he clearly has a throat infection. A throat infection, that's all, nothing so special I hope.

I've spent hours looking on websites this morning and the information out there is stunningly lacking. I have no idea if we should be worried or concerned. I'm assuming what he's been through has left him more susceptible to infections and we need to jump on it. He says he just feels like he has a throat infection, along with his headache and tiredness, but I know his joints are stiff and he's uncomfortable and I'll be keeping a close eye on him and his temperature every step of today.

He's really upset that he's poorly again,  he just wants to be better and this feels like a kick in the teeth. He's really concerned about having to go back to hospital or the walk-in centre (it's Sunday), but I will take him if he gets too hot or ill.

Yet again I'm left in the position of being so incredibly grateful that he isn't a child. He can explain himself, he knows what a throat infection feels like and he knows what Meningitis feels like. He has the ability to describe in detail. He takes his tablets when I tell him to, and he goes back to sleep if I wake him.

One of the major things this has proven to us is that there is no doubt that he cannot return to work on Monday. I'm not glad he has a throat infection, but I'm really pleased I didn't have to argue that point with him and be brutally blunt and point out all his inabilities, or even worse let him set himself up for failure and have him crushed by it...

We're at the Doctors tomorrow....if not before...


  1. So sorry he has taken a turn for the worse just when things were starting to pick up. I'm glad you've managed to work out the sore point of work though, have to look at the positives. Hope he starts to be on the mend again soon x

    1. Cheers Tami, he's been asleep and the same all day. At least the sleep should be doing him some good. I keep sneaking in and taking his temperature - good job it isn't one of those special thermometers :D

  2. Oh gosh sounds so difficult. Are the kids helping around the house and watching the younger siblings?

    1. THey are - a lot! They've been really good, we're very proud of them :)

  3. Hello, me again!

    After my meningitis I found I was susceptible to all kinds of viral infection - in fact to this day I still suffer more than those who have never had such a kick to their immune system and it's been 13 years now.

    I was diagnosed with M.E. a year or two after the meningitis - which essentially just means that I get viruses a lot and can tire easily. It's improved massively but I still occasionally push too hard and get a sharp reminder to relax!

    It's a long road to recovery and sometimes very frustrating - your husband might struggle to accept it but he's not going to be able to return to his usual routines for quite some time, and he'll have to ease himself in gently because his body has had quite the shock and will need gentle treatment.

    1. Thank you x
      He'll not want to read this, but it does only confirm what seems obvious when you read information online and it makes plenty of sense logically. He'd never been to the Doctors since we moved here 6 years ago, this morning was his first visit there, so I think it's likely he'll never be exactly the same person again, and that's going to be a harsh reality to get used to. He's agreed a staged return to work, if necessary that can start an hour at a time and he can do some work from home, which will allow him to nap and rest as much as necessary - hopefully!
      I think because I was the witness to how ill he was, and he has a week that really is a blur to him, it's easier for me to appreciate just what he went through, and is still going through :)
      Thank you for commenting, it really means a lot xx

  4. I'm so pleased that you have Elizabeth offering these insightful comments into her experience with meningitis. It must really help? It's rubbish he's I'll again but it's good that he can't push himself back to work too quickly. He really didn't sound ready.

    1. No, he wasn't, and yes, it's absolutely lovely to have Elizabeth commenting - a real person, who really knows what it's like.... :) xx

  5. Oh god poor him! And poor you guys too :((( x really hope he's back to normal v soon xxx sending lots of positive, warm, fuzziness your way xxx

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the fuzziness, it's very welcome! :) xx

  6. I hope the Brick Castle has a slightly better Mister today. Have the doctors helped? I am sorry that he has had this knock back and I hope and pray the recovery is quicker than hoped and that the extra infections stay away.

    Mr Brick Castle please rest and do what the Lady says!

    1. Hahaha....he's just woken up from his 5 hour afternoon nap and I read this out to him. He tutted :D
      Thanks Kel - more antibiotics and we're off on the right track again I think :)

  7. Gee whizz, and he wanted to get back to work! He's nothing but trouble, that one xx

    1. He doesn't want to let anyone down, bless him. But you're totally right - he's a ratbag! x

  8. I feel for you and your family! Get well soon!


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