
Thursday 19 September 2013

Broken knees are rubbish....

I'm not really enjoying my broken leg.

I wasn't enjoying it before when they told me it was a sprain and keep it moving, but it was kind of improving I felt. I think now maybe I was just getting used to the pain.

They decided my leg was broken on Friday and on Monday they put me in a Cricket Pad Splint to immobilise my knee and hope it heals. I've gone from being in pain and gritting my teeth and getting on with it, to being incapable of getting on with anything and lugging around a brace from my ankle to my thigh. It's weird for me to not be in control and on top of things, I'm not used to it. I do want my knee to heal (pretty please), so I'm prepared to wear this thing for as long as it takes, but it's really hard work on many levels.

Today I had Physiotherapy - well, I didn't because there's nothing you can do when the diagnosis and treatment change and your patient is immobilised. The Physiotherapist was lovely and unhurried and I didn't wait 3 hours beyond my appointment time, and so she was actually keen to explain to me what's going on.

I have an Avulsion Fracture of my Tibia - look away now if you're squeamish. When I landed my knee bent the way it isn't meant to and instead of snapping or tearing a ligament, the ligament stayed intact and plucked off a chunk of bone (oh joy). The good news is that it's really common and usually heals perfectly well mainly by itself, even in an old lady like me, so in less than a few weeks I should be all better (actual joy).

For my sister, who I know reads this and has seen the above photo before -  I'm not entirely deformed, I see now totally why you thought my kneecap was on the side, but it's an optical illusion because my skirt is over part of my leg.. See....

There is one great thing about this splint though..... I don't wake up every half hour in pain or with a numb and freezing cold lower leg.....I can actually sleep (more actual joy).


  1. :( Hope you heal soon it must be awful not being able to do much, I know people wish for an excuse to sit and do nothing but it isn't fun is it - particularly when you are in pain too x

    1. It is a bit poopy. I'm not sure if I'll be completely fed up by this time next week, or I'll have completely relaxed into it and turned into a lush! :D

  2. Ohh no how awful! Hope you heal soon and you're up and about x

    1. Thank you - so do I! Fingers crossed for good news next Thursday :) x

  3. glad you can sleep, but it must be a royal pita to have to have the cast on all of your leg. rest up :)

    1. It is a pita, but I'm getting used to it and you should see me fly with one crutch now! :D

  4. Yay glad you can sleep! Sorry you are in pain and I hope it heals! Although there is always the option of a wooden leg, Avast ye me Hearties!

    1. I have considered a wooden leg, what with it being 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' - I have 'arrrrrrrrgh'ed' and waved my crutch about a bit :D

  5. Hey Jenny, Catching up on my reading. We are a week later now, How are you doing? Have the kids helped out a bit? I see lot's of posts, so assuming you are flat out but typing away :)

    1. Flat out I wish! I barely get a moment's rest despite the teenagers actually helping and being useful. Sadly no, it's not healing as it should and more swollen and bruised now than it was at the time, so I'm being sent for an MRI to find out what's going on. The broken bone looks like it's healing nicely though! Thanks for asking Niki :)

  6. Some people can't sleep because they can't cope up with the pain.

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