
Saturday 9 November 2013

Easy Victoria Sponge with Duerr's Preserves 'Baking For Boys'

Duerr's are a fairly local company to me, and they have been making jams, marmalades and other preserves in a family-owned Manchester business  for the last 132 years. They've brought out a series of great videos showcasing recipes which use their preserves and are easy enough for anyone to attempt.

The video series is called 'Baking For Boys' and features comedy double act Richard Duerr and Duerr's Operations Director Paul, and they do make a very entertaining duo.

Duerr's have sent me some of their jams and marmalade and asked me if I'd watch the videos and try some of the recipes out. As they feature things like Marmalade Bread And Butter Pudding and Chocolate Orange Cake, how could I refuse?

The first video I'm trying is a cheat for me really. It's a Victoria Sponge, which is a recipe I've used a bazillion times, it's incredibly handy to be able to make and impresses everyone - especially at birthday time. They give handy tips in the video and make it look incredibly easy, but that's mainly because it is!

Their Victoria Sponge looked like this....

I followed all their instructions, so did mine look like theirs?

It did really. It's not as tall as theirs, but I don't have a food processor to whip the mixture up and my tin was a bit big, but it's still lovely and light and a good sized cake.

My family love a jam sponge and the Duerr's raspberry jam  is chunky and well-flavoured, perfect to go with cream and sweet cake.

After one recipe I'm really impressed with 'Baking For Boys'. I think my teenagers (boy or girl) could all make a delicious cake by following this short video. It's a classic recipe that is a great addition to anyone's repertoire and the video is clear and funny. I'm hoping I can convince my other half to try the next one....

I was sent the preserves shown above in order to try the recipes.


  1. A little old lady recommended Duerrs to me in Asda a couple of weeks ago. Seriously. I was staring at jams wondering which to buy & she said 'Buy that one, it's the best jam I've ever had'. Well you don't ignore that! And she was right - best jam we've had. Nice looking cake. I do love a good Victoria sponge!

    1. Hahaha...the old folks always know best! We actually use Duerr's jams anyway - I could have told you :p
      Cheers for the comments on the cake :)

  2. Never heard of Duerr's, so will have to try it. Your cake looks yummy!! Miss M has requested a jam and cream cake for her birthday so may have to try this.

    1. Do it - it's so simple and the video is really amusing. The cake is also yummy - I can attest to that :)

  3. Replies
    1. It is a real classic. It reminds me of being a child :)

  4. I have never heard of Duerrs but may have to give it a try, based on that the old lady mentioned in the comment above said so - they do know best!! lol. Your cake looks great :D

  5. Lovely sponge! Looks delish, bet it didn't last long!

    1. It didn't! Nor once everyone had a slice :D
      Cheers Tami :)

  6. Wow, that is an amazing cake - I'm a terrible baker, maybe the jam would help ;)

    1. Thank you! That's a lie though - I had some of your fudge! :D

  7. Reminds me of my Granny's cakes! I can't make sponges anywhere near the size her's would rise.

  8. We love Jam and love cake, so thank you for pictures of both - Made me drool!


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