
Monday 13 January 2014

Robot Slayer ~ Graphic Novel for Kids Review and Giveaway

Robot Slayer is the first graphic novel by Vincent  Kamp. Suited best to children aged around 5+ it tells the story of Benny and Leo, two brothers living in Robotolis - a city designed by Professor Arnold Robotolis and built entirely by robots.

The detail in the novel is great, and there is masses to look at on every page. Once your child has heard the story they can 'read the pictures' even if they aren't yet able to read the text. The book starts with 2 different texts on each page, narrative and speech, and then changes once we know the backstory and have set the scene, with the rest of the story told purely by the characters conversation and the illustrations.

The robots do everyday jobs and tasks, and make life very easy for the humans, until one day when they begin to go wrong. A virus has overtaken the robots and when Benny is captured and taken prisoner, it's up to Leo to save the day.

The illustrations are great and I love the use of colour to show the 'human' world, as opposed to the steel greys used when the robots are in charge. The characters are instantly recognisable and have just the right level of 'evil' or 'cute'.

Vincent Kamp created this novel for his own two young boys - Leo and Benny - and it's taken 4 years from idea to release. I read this novel with my 2 youngest boys and they both loved it. Although my youngest isn't yet 4, he loves robots and science fiction stories and he adores books, so he's sat and 'read' this story to himself more times than I can count.

I think it's great and a lovely way to introduce children to graphic novels when the closest they might come would be comic strips such as The Beano. It's a grown up book for kids. There's even a bonus because every now and again a novel will be sent out in a painted envelope, and I was lucky enough to be one of those who's envelope has been hand painted by Vince - it's fantastic and very special!

It doesn't stop there though because YOU can see if you've got what it takes to be a robot slayer using a mini game which is part of an interactive iPad app. Sadly I don't have an iAnything, but there are plans to release the app on Android in the future and it gets very good reviews, generally scoring 4/5.

You can find out much more about Robotslayer on the website and see a preview of the app in the following You Tube video...

 You can also keep up with the latest developments on their Facebook and Twitter feeds. Robotslayer is available to buy from Amazon.

Vincent Kamp has kindly offered 3 copies of  his novel for my readers to win. Entry is by rafflecopter below. The first entry is for commenting on this post with the answer to the question, and you can gain additional entries by completing extra options on the rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 We were sent our copy of Robotslayer for review


  1. Ironing and cleaning the oven!


  2. Clean the plug holes! That job can make me physically sick!

  3. definitely tidying - putting toys away when they're finished with and clearing the trail of clothes, bags and gadgets hubby leaves anywhere he sees a free space! All that free time i'd have hmmm

  4. Cleaning the bathroom, I don't know what my boys do when they're brushing their teeth!!

  5. Making the lunch boxes for work and school

  6. Entertaining the cats in the morning so they wouldn't come pester me to get up at weekends :-)

  7. The cooking and washing up

  8. Clean the floors.

    Rachel Craig

  9. I think the Washing up has to be top of that list, I and my son tend to leave it for a few days and it piles up, which makes us less inclined to do it, and therefore we're washing as we go at times!!! it's one of the only jobs we do together and both dislike lol!

  10. there are so many I hate, but cleaning the loo has to be up there!

  11. My son love this book and wanting me to get the app!

  12. washing up the baking trays, its the worst job ever!

  13. The ironing...I never do it as I really can't be bothered but I love how perfect ironed clothes look!

  14. Clean my kids rooms lol

  15. The laundry, there is just so much of it

  16. cleaning the oven

  17. Ironing! Firstly, it's boring! Secondly, I spend hours on my hair then it gets ruined by the steam from the iron. Stupid iron :(

  18. Hmmmm I can't decide between cooking me food or cleaning the oven. I will go with the food one - get more work from the robot that way!

  19. Cleaning and ironing

  20. The ironing - As I hate it

  21. breakfast in bed

  22. cleaning the bath room

  23. getting teenage son up in the morning

  24. Definitely the ironing. Really hate it.

  25. Got to be the ironing its the worse job ever

  26. cleaning the cooker the job i hate most lol

  27. I would love an Ironing-Bot - we have sooo much ironing, I absolutely hate it and it takes me hours and hours a week! A friendly ironing robot would be amazing!

  28. Right now, the big pile ironing that needs doing before bed

  29. Cooking and then obviously washing the pots when I'm done!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!