
Wednesday 5 February 2014

My Own Desert Island Discs

I've been tagged by Eileen from ET Speaks From Home to give you my Desert Island Disc selection. It's a fantastic meme and I'm delighted to take part. Anything that has me looking up my favourite songs is a win. Eileen is a not-so-secret party animal - you can check out her selection here....

I have to choose 10 songs (very hard), one book and one luxury.

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony. It'd be perfect. You wouldn't need money, and you'd have all the time in the world to relax and sit around enjoying the sun and the sand and the sea, and you'd just want to leave. Definitely bitter-sweet.

Bjork - Hyperballad. Because it's beautiful. It's about those things we do that no-one knows about, that keep us going, keep us sane. And it'd remind me to tidy up a bit.

The Smiths - How Soon Is Now? Because it is, in my opinion, THE best song ever, with that amazing riff and the lyrics. When I was an angst-ridden teen I'd sing/sob my heart out to this song.
"There's a club if you'd like to go, you could meet somebody who really loves you.
So you go and you stand on your own, and you leave on your own,
And you go home, and you cry and you want to die".
And then, when I was 33, I was in a VW Campervan club, and I met someone who really loves me. So ha!


The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations. Because it's entirely The Beach Boys and it'd be a perfect soundtrack to an evening sat alone watching the waves. And for when he sings that first note - it sends a shiver down my spine.

Placebo - Pure Morning. I love this song so much. It'd be my waking up and getting going music. And probably because of the sex - or serious lack of it on your own on an island.


Cud - I've Had It With Blondes. A record I love and which takes me back to my student days. It has the fantastic couplet:
I was a teenage stamp collector,
I'd lay on my back and you'd stamp on my face
The use of the word 'expectorate' and the immortal line "Things get worse when you get older". And it's great.

The Pixies - Where Is My Mind. You'd go crazy on your own on that island. At least this way you would be okay about it....

James - Laid. It was really hard to choose a track from James, because I have so many favourites. I went with this one because I'd be singing the last 2 lines in my head all the time...
"You're driving me crazy,
When are you coming home?"
Echo And The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain. I was besotted by The Bunnymen when I was a teenager. At 15 I saved up all my money for 6 months to go and see them and buy every t-shirt. Ocean Rain is a gorgeous song, it would be so apt, and so soothing.

Snow Patrol featuring Martha wainwright - Set The Fire To The Third Bar. I am after all, a girl. And before I moved to Manchester I spent 18 months living 80 miles away from my partner. The lyrics say everything.

There's a theory that you set your musical taste quite young, and when all those psychological and physiological changes are going on in your head and body, something about music generally gets stuck. Although I love a good modern tune, as soon as I started doing this I became transfixed with a ten year period and had to force myself to move, so I guess in my case at least, it's true.

My book would be something to write in. I have a good memory and I've read a lot of books, I'd be able to entertain myself better with a notebook. I'd be able to keep track of time and I think I really would go insane if I couldn't take note of everything that happened.

My luxury would be a satellite phone - I'm not staying!

Thank you to Eileen for tagging me, it was fantastic fun listening to hundreds of songs and trying to choose only 10!

 I tag Sim from Simslife, Tami from Mummy Of Two
and Emma from Not Such A Yummy Mummy


  1. I love this list. I think many of the bands you chose would be on my list too but the only song you have that I would definitely choose is Laid. One of my all time favourites.

  2. Some fab choices! I think you are cheating with taking a phone though :p

  3. I think you probably did your fair share of going home on your own, I know I did :/

    1. I always went home on my own, I was a very good girl....*whistles nonchalantly*

  4. I love most of your list, I was hugely into Echo and the Bunnymen - brilliant choice. I've recently gone up in my nearly 18 year old nieces estimations as I've held Morissey's hand while he sang This Charming Man in 1985! But that Verve song - god that brings back bad memories. I loved it, and then we had new neighbours who played it full volume all day and night. We had to move house, because of them and that flipping song!!!

    1. Awwww, we had that with The Beautiful South's Rotterdam, and it's only a 2 minute song. I can't hear it without twitching nowadays....
      It's excellent you were into The Bunnymen too! I bet he's not looking so good nowadays.... :D

  5. I love (almost) each and every one of these tracks! Pixies! Bjork! Verve! You have great taste, I have to say....


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!