
Wednesday 2 April 2014

LOGO and LOGO What Am I? from Drumond Park Review

LOGO Drumond Park Box What Am I?

We've previously reviewed LOGO Billionaire and LOGO Best Of TV & Movies, but I'd only played LOGO itself a few times at friends' houses before and hadn't tried LOGO What Am I? We were sent both games to review, and we've had a real laugh with them.

LOGO (rrp £32.99) is the original in a series of games from Drumond Park. Designed for 2-6 players aged 12+ it's a really easy game to grasp, and the rules are very simple.

LOGO Family Board Games adults and teenagers

The aim of LOGO is to travel around the board answering trivia questions about brands and companies that we're all very familiar with.

LOGO Drumond PARk Playing surface

Individual question cards might be themed, or pot luck, or will all be based on a photo or series of photos. 

Question cards LOGO

On the back of each question card are  4 questions with answers. Players take it in turns to be question master, asking the player to their left the questions until they get one wrong, when they instead ask the next player. Every time a question is answered correctly the player moves their counter to the next available section of board with a matching colour, until they reach the centre, when they must answer 2 questions correctly consecutively to win.

LOGO example question cards

We play this with our teenagers and it's a real laugh, as well as teaching us some bizarre and probably useless trivia! It's ideal for family evenings in and we found although the adults win most of the time, it's close - in another year or so I'll have no chance. The questions are mainly so obvious once you see or hear the answer, they don't require academic knowledge, just general knowledge and you have to have paid attention to the world around you!

LOGO What Am I? Drumond Park

LOGO What Am I? (rrp £24.99) is a junior version of LOGO that is suitable for 3-6 players and age 8+. We played it with everyone, with the younger boys working as team players with us. Our 5 year old has trouble with the reading, but grasped the gameplay almost instantly despite being too young.

Again played by moving around the board, LOGO What Am I? isn't about trivia and doesn't have questions. Instead play is by each player in turn throwing a die and then completing a challenge on the card. They have to get the other players to guess what they are describing or drawing.

Drumond Park LOGO Board Game Review What Am I?

Depending on where you land on the board you take a card and may have to describe the brand or product without using the name, draw a picture for the other players to guess, or simply answer questions with 'yes, no or maybe' until the brand or product is guessed correctly.

LOGO What Am I? is a timed game, everyone gets 1 minute to try and get the other players to guess correctly. If they do then both the person who guessed and the person holding the card move forward. There are 2 winners. When the question answered is held by the player in the centre Winning Zone, both players involved win.

This is a great game for the bringing the family together, especially when you want something for teenagers and pre-teens to play on an even level with the adults. Our 5 year old is obviously below the recommended age, and didn't really grasp the 'yes/no' aspect and always asked the same questions, but as part of a team with his Dad they won more than anyone else. Everyone knows what ketchup is - however old.

We really liked both games and they'll be back out on Saturday for games night. Neither are frustrating or leave room for arguments to develop. They are great games to play on your own, or in pairs if necessary, and are suitable to play with the older generations together. It's real family fun.

Drumond Park have recently released a FREE LOGO app.  for iPhone and iPad, which is available to download here from the Apple store. The only officially endorsed LOGO app., it has full approval and permissions from the brands and features loads of big name favourites such as Birds Eye, Wagon Wheels, Tesco and Campbell's.

Drumond Park kindly offered copies of both LOGO and LOGO What Am I? for me to giveaway to one of my readers. One lucky winner won both prizes worth nearly £60. The giveaway closed at midnight on 30th April 2014.


  1. Crisps that come in a tube - once you pop you just can't stop.

  2. square or rectangle bricks, also minifigures. A lovely theme park and some discovery centres. star wars, castle, superhero and chima are most recent themes....

  3. 2 rounds of dark chocolately flavoured biscuit sandwiched together with a white creamy filling

  4. Which brand supposedly turned Father Christmas's coat red?

  5. Helps you work,rest and play.

  6. yeast extract flavoured twig like corn snacks

  7. Building blocks for children

  8. "There's a magical place, we're on our way there. With toys in their millions all under one roof"

  9. a drink in a can with a famous truck at xmas

  10. You can hear them "snap, crackle and pop"

  11. I wonder how much brands pay to get included in this game!! I think I will stick to good old Monopoly rather than teach our kids any more about big brands and rubbish food!!! ;))

    1. To be fair, you could have picked a better example of a morally righteous game than Monopoly! :D
      Drumond Park also make Rapidough and Wordsearch board game among others :)

  12. The lighter way to enjoy chocolate
    (kim neville)

  13. Sunday dinners wouldn't be the same without this....Ahhhhhh!

  14. chop me and ill make you cry what am I???

  15. chop me and ill make you cry what am I???

  16. A big yellow M and I'm Lovin it. x

  17. It's 'Always' this drink when 'holidays are comin'

  18. technology brand that has a bitten piece of fruit for a logo

  19. A mobile phone company which is a mix of yellow and red

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. its the crisps that you have that would be the opposite to running

  22. How do you eat yours!


  23. a filling on bread that you usually find in a tin

  24. Just Do It

    Karen Milburn

  25. Nanas are always knitting these

  26. crisps that are musical notes

  27. wherever there's a snack gap, This biscuit fits.

  28. lynsey buchanan4 April 2014 at 23:21

    Take a break

  29. Holiday are coming with this drink

  30. Christine shelley9 April 2014 at 22:05

    57 varieties

  31. This brand is ''on me''

  32. chunky ridge crisps that are not for girls

  33. P p p pick up one of these chocolate treats

  34. Because I'm worth it

  35. once you pop, you can't stop

  36. They drink it in the Congo!

  37. A well known breakfast cereal maker.

  38. a well known sauce you have on a bacon butty!

  39. Crumble this up to make a tasty stew or gravy

  40. An online auction site where anyone can buy and sell

  41. Black and white and often red

  42. Biblical mans name + river, tastes best cold in a wine glass.

  43. Chocolate bar - its not for girls!

  44. Central heating for kids

    Michelle Kinsey aka cheznal

  45. Do you love anyone enough to give them your last ....

  46. these thin sliced potato snacks are are not runners

  47. Brest known chocolate maker with purple wrappers.

  48. one of these a day keeps the dr away

  49. When your in love sometimes your heart ----- a beat

  50. fizzy little sweets with very loving messages on them

  51. They even turn the milk chocolatey!

  52. chocolate with bubbles/holes in

  53. For hands that do dishes and feel as soft as your face.

  54. Sometimes I'm chunky.... other times smooth... but still a little chunky, I love being on bread.. especially with cheese... I'm also tangy and sweet.

  55. i need to work rest and play on the fourth planet from the sun chirag p

  56. a big tick on your running shoes

  57. Sometimes I'm bitter, sometimes I'm sweet!

  58. wow, many thanks for the prize x


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