
Sunday 13 December 2015

Disney Charades (age 6+) from Esdevium Games (review)

We've reviewed quite a lot of games from Esdevium recently, the latest being Disney Charades. This is a team game for 4-10 players aged around 6+.

The classic party game has the Disney makeover, and this a simplified version where there are clues, sounds and a limited number of answers, so younger children have a better chance of playing on an even level.

Disney Charades (age 6+) from Esdevium Games (review)

Disney Charades is presented in a gorgeous tin, which makes it an ideal game to give as a gift, and to take out and about. Charades can be played by people of all ages, so it's great for family games evenings. A little Disney knowledge is useful, but even if you don't have that you will learn as you go on, and can always take a guess.

Disney Charades box contents from Esdevium Games (review)

Inside the tin you have a timer for the answers, 2 special dice and 2 sets of cards and a helpful instruction sheet which gives some variations on play for different players, and hints on how to play with your younger family members too.

When it's your turn take one of each card and throw the special dice to decide which character you have to perform, and which action. Your team mates then have until the timer runs out to guess correctly. You can make noises, but you can't speak.

Disney Charades cards from Esdevium Games (review)

'I am...' cards require you to guess a character's name or if you can't think of that, you can answer with the type of creature they are e.g. Bruce/shark , Donald/duck. . These cards have a clue on the back for the guesser(s) - the movie that the characters appear in.
Disney Charades cards review childrens game

 ...who... cards are an action that the character is performing, and are all well-known and pretty intuitive to perform, such as riding a bike or putting up an umbrella.

There are 25 of each card, so it's fairly easy to learn what sort of characters and actions will turn up on the cards, but that's ideal for younger children and the overall number of possible 'I am......who...' combinations is 2500, which is enough to keep you going for a while.

Each game of Charades continues until all of the pairs of cards have been claimed by correct answers. If people are good then this can be around 1/2 hour, longer if people are side-tracked, or get a few wrong answers. We find quite often we count the winner as the person with the most pairs of cards (correct answers given) before we reach the end of the pack.

Charades is a classic. Easy to learn, fun to play, hilarious to watch and it brings together young and old. Disney Charades is beautifully made and excellent quality, and makes a lovely gift which will be brought out year after year.

Disney Charades £12.99 is available to buy now on Amazon with a small discount. Published by Asmodee.  

Last week we reviewed Disney Rummy (age 4+) and a couple of months ago we reviewed Disney Pictopia (age 7+) game.


  1. This is a fun and quick game, love the charades.

    1. It's definitely a good game to pull out if you have 20 minutes! :)


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