
Wednesday 1 June 2016

KOOB: The Upside-Down Book (7+) Review and Giveaway

My 7 year old has a voracious appetite for reading, but also for writing and puzzles, so he loves interactive and activity books. KOOB: The Upside-Down Book which is released on Thursday 2nd June is perfect for him. 144 pages of puzzles and activities that are a bit different from the norm!

Written by Anna Brett and illustrated by Rebecca Wright, KOOB 2: The Upside-Down Book is the follow up to the very successful KOOB: The Backwards Book, and is published by Carlton Books. When you open the book, the very first thing you read lets you know this is going to be different...

Rather than sitting working through an activity book, KOOB encourages you to take it a step further, sitting upside down, tearing pages, even conducting some great fun scientific experiments that children think are just playing or doing tricks! There are masses of activities to take part in, plenty to keep any child occupied and happy (and telling you new facts every 5 minutes) for days...

My 7 year old adores this book. It really has captured his interest, and although he hasn't yet been convinced to even write in it, let alone rip it, he's read it cover to cover and I have lost count of the times when he's meant to be reading quietly before sleep and instead he's bringing me his book to show me a must-see page.

The age suggestion of 7+ is right, this book is beyond my 6 year old, and stretches my 7 year old, but is introducing him to a more mature style, with no colourful images, and a bit of thinking needed to 'get' some of the ideas and jokes.

We really like this book, and for entertainment and longevity (and the sneaky educational aspects) we think it is excellent value for money.

KOOB: The Upside-Down Book is released tomorrow, June 2nd. Published by Carlton Books in paperback with illustrations in black and white throughout the 144 pages. RRP £7.99.

I have a copy of KOOB: The Upside-Down Book for one of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is by the Gleam form below. No entries are essential, but each extra task completed will earn you extra entries into the draw. All winning entries are checked. UK entrants only, the giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 26th June. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form.

For more information about using Gleam or to see my other giveaways, please go to my giveaways page...

KOOB: The Upside-Down Book (7+)Giveaway

We were sent our copy of KOOB: The Upside-Down Book for review.


  1. I can do my hair upside down - yes, by buns and top knots always come out best when done upsidedown!

  2. i got my son to answer this, he said - racecar :)

  3. I used to be able to say the alphabet backwards, but I'm not sure it's a skill that has endured!

  4. i can drink a drink the wrong way when i have hiccups

  5. i can write backwards with my left hand @msedollyp

  6. I can move my ears backwards without touching them.

  7. I can read text that is backwards (and upside down).

  8. I can do mirror writing, totally backwards! I think it's because I'm left-handed!

  9. Mirror is the only word I can think of
    Great doing handstands as you see the world upside down

  10. I wash my hair upside down over the bath and can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupes

  11. I can (used to! Can't say I've tried recently haha.) to do a handstand - that is upside down right?!

  12. I can eat pancakes upside down

  13. I can walk backwards - but not run!!

  14. Ummm - I can do backstroke does that count???

  15. Erm say the alphabet but that's about it :/

  16. walking ;) Well walk upside down on my hands!

  17. Trampolining...well I could when I was younger anyway - I was a little demon on the old springs ;)

  18. I can walk backwards.

  19. I can count backwards... That's about it!

  20. I sometimes get my sentences wrong way round does that count *smirks* at self

  21. I can read a little Japanese, and that's usually written backwards in a book!

  22. I can reverse in my car ,skip and skate backwards .

  23. I can walk backwards. Perhaps not outstanding but it is fun with a 5, 3, and 1yo who all join in. They find it hilarious to beep as they back up and then bump into things.

  24. i can swim, walk and drive backwards haha

  25. I can skate and swim backwards :)

  26. I can walk and reverse a car! not so backward after all!

  27. I can do mirror writing . Can write at a time using both hands...and that's all I can do when it comes backwards or upside down. Not so much...

  28. I can walk upside-down on my hands!

  29. I can walk backwards - sort of ;)

  30. Im slightly backwards altogether so ican do most things backwards or the wrong way round :D


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!