
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Dorling Kindersley Technology Fact Books Review (age 7+) for Boolino

Dorling Kindersley have a long-standing and well-earned reputation for making gorgeous children's books. We have many on our shelves that all 7 of our children have sat and poured over, and hopefully our grandchildren will do so too. Boolino Books have sent us 2 of Dorling Kindersley's science books to review - All About Virtual Reality and 3D Printing Projects.

Technology has moved on so fast that both of these books could barely be imagined when my oldest child was 7. Virtual Reality is now something we can all experience at home using little more than a smartphone, and you can now get a complete 3D Home Printer package for around £300 from my mate Ian.

All About Virtual Reality

All About Virtual Reality comes with an accompanying free app. which brings the pages of the book to life in a full 360 degree environment around you. The book starts by explaining what VR is, and about the cardboard VR viewer at the back (which needs to be used with a smartphone).

The main section of the book has 5 VR scenes for you to enjoy, and in between each are fact pages explaining more about VR itself - there is loads to learn and it's written in familiar Dorling Kindersley style, with big bold illustrations, diagrams and photographs. It's all accessible to children, they even talk about the Oculus Rift VR gaming system (which I have played with a few times now and love).

There are also 6 sheets of really cool stickers. Some are to decorate your viewer, but most are from the VR experiences.

The app is really straightforward and intuitive, and massive at 155mb. Each VR page comes to life automatically when you have the app open and point your device camera towards it while looking through the viewer.

Dorling Kindersley's All About Reality has been developed in conjunction with Curiscope, the people behind the fabulous Vituali-Tee VR T-shirt. It's a great book and the VR experiences are awesome. A lovely introduction to Virtual Reality for anyone - buy it for the Grandchildren and have a play yourself...

All About Virtual Reality is suitable for age around 7+. Full colour and hardbacked with 32 pages, rrp £9.99.

3D Printing Projects

I was a bit worried the 3D Printing Projects wouldn't have much to offer as we don't really have access to a 3D printer (although I'm sure it's only a matter of time). Actually it's a fascinating book which is full of general information about 3D printing and your children are likely to be doing this in school before they're teenagers.

The book starts with an introduction and 3D printers and printing techniques are explained. This is a book written with children 9+ in mind, and the language reflects that, although it's still very clear with loads of illustrations, so younger children will also be able to enjoy the book when reading together.

You are told through a series of 'how-to' pages the methods for actually setting up your model so that it doesn't fall to pieces during printing or afterwards. It's so easy to follow and full of helpful tips that I feel like I'd be all over it now.

The projects are great. Really simple in some cases, but mainly making attractive and useful items that your child can be proud of. They're a great launching point for other projects and ideas

3D Printing Projects is suitable for age around 9-12 years. Full colour and hardbacked with 92 pages, rrp £9.99.

If these books interest you then you might also find some inspiration in my Science And Tech Toys Round Up 2017.

We were sent our science and technology books for review.

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