
Tuesday 30 July 2019

Nudge - Eco-friendly Strategy Board Game Review and Giveaway. (Sent for review).

We like to find new and exciting things here at The Brick Castle and Nudge definitely counts. An addictive, quick-paced but intelligent board game for 2 players, which is incredibly simple to learn yet hard to master, and entirely created from fully recyclable materials.

We've been sent a copy of Nudge for review, and I also have one to give away to one of my readers.

Nudge Review - Addictive Family Board Game in cardboard packaging

The game arrives in the regular post, packaged in a recycled and recyclable bio-plastic bag. Your game is all contained in a sturdy cardboard box, which is a great shape and size for storage.

Nudge Game box contents neatly laid out and tied with string

Inside the box the contents are really very beautifully arranged. An envelope containing the 6 Bioplastic Game Discs and the 5x5 Game Board, tied with string. There is absolutely no waste here and total commitment to the environment, while still being a beautiful game. No plastic, no extra dyes or even extra card or paper. The game rules are printed on the back of the box.

Nudge Family Board Game rules on back of box

This is a strategy game with similarities to games like Chess or Draughts. Each player has 3 Game discs, which can move in any direction except diagonally.

Each turn a player takes 2 moves, which can be 1 move of 2 spaces, or split between 2 moves of 1 space each. The aim of the game is to nudge one of the opposing player's discs off the edge of the board.

Nudge strategy board gameplay set up start

2 or 3 discs in a straight line can be moved as if they were a train, all together, either 1 or 2 spaces. No train can go sideways, only forward or backwards.

Nudge Family Board Game review gameplay mechanic 6 discs on game board

When your train is longer than your opponent's, you can push it, and if you planned it right, 1 of their discs will fall off the edge of the board and you'll win the game.

Nudge game pushing the opponents disc off the board

Nudge really is a lot of fun to play, and it is addictive. A game can be over almost immediately with one foolish error, or competitive masters can spend ages mulling over each move. Generally each game takes about 5 minutes, and especially if you lose, you just want to play again.

Nudge family game being played by 10 year old and his father

The designer of Nudge, Dan Bramham, has created an eco-friendly strategy game that is incredibly simple and quick to play, but very moreish, as you can always improve your gameplay.

The potato-based counters will biodegrade in 3 to 6 months if planted in the ground, but it'll last for longer than you'll ever need it on the shelf. Not only is Nudge made from 100% eco-friendly ingredients, but 1% of all game sales will be donated to The Woodland Trust - one of our favourite charities, also supported by Timber Festival.

Nudge - the eco-friendly strategy board game is now available from current rrp is £9.99 (plus £1.99 1st Class UK Shipping). You can also find them on social media @nudgegames.

Nudge Games have kindly offered a copy of Nudge for one of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below and no entry is essential. Every extra task completed will earn you extra entries into the draw, and all of your data is only used to administrate this giveaway, then deleted.

The giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 25th August, and is open to UK entrants only. Please read the full terms and conditions at the bottom of the Gleam form. To see all of my current giveaways, please go to my giveaways page...

Nudge 2 Player Eco-Friendly Board Game Giveaway

We were sent our copy of Nudge - the Eco-friendly strategy board game for review. 


  1. To stop my OH falling asleep when we're watching a late night movie.

  2. When you are trying to get their attention

  3. Robert Mark Ward30 July 2019 at 18:15

    Reminds me of Monty Python's Innuendo sketch, nudge nudge wink wink say no more!

    Am I showing my age?

  4. Nudge nudge only a few feet now til you are at the kitcheb sink

    Margaret gallagher

  5. remind someone to say please or thank you.

  6. I gave someone a gentle nudge last week because their label with their size on was showing out the back if their top

  7. When my husband snores I give him all nudge

  8. To tell partner to wipe his face when we're having a meal!

  9. To wake someone up if they have fallen asleep

  10. This happened to me. My friend and I were at the rugby and after the game went to get a coffee which is near where the players come out after the game. I said to her "Wouldn't it be funny if G (my favourite player) comes out while we are stood here, and she nudged me and nearly knocked my coffee out of my hand, as he was stood behind me at the time signing autographs but had heard what I said lol.

  11. To get the children to say thank you

  12. when the hubby snores its a very big nudge more of a shove

  13. Margaret Clarkson
    To wake someone if they have fallen asleep at the theatre.

  14. I nudge my hubby when he's snoring.

  15. To stop my Mum listening to other people's conversations in the supermarket/bus station/ pub etc.

  16. When they're about to say the wrong thing.

  17. When dad's saying something I want him say so I nudge him.

  18. I nudge my partner when he falls asleep in the cinema!!

  19. Snoring husband - always gets a nudge

  20. I'm always nudging my daughter to say please and thank you

  21. When you are attempting to get their attention - so tough.

  22. To tell them about this amazing competition!

  23. Trying to get someones attention who is clearly not listening

  24. When someone is saying something silly and digging a hole for themselves... I'd give them a nudge to try to stop them!

  25. I nudge my husband to put the kettle on when I'm busy and in need of a brew.

  26. When I would like my children to put their breakfast bowls *next to*(not even in!!) the dishwasher! (Alex Telford)

  27. I nudge my partner when we are chatting with friends to stop him making his 'annoyed face' if they interrupt his monalogue. :)

  28. nudge the kids to be quiet if they are squabbling too loudly in public

  29. If they forgot to press the button on the road crossing and everyone else standing there thought they had lol!!

  30. When its someones round at the bar

  31. I nudge my wife if someone says something unintentionally funny :)

  32. When I notice a cute guy eyeing up my single best friend in a bar but she hasn't noticed!

  33. To share a joke and eyeroll with someone!

  34. when her skirt is tucked in her knickers

  35. When my hubby is saving milk for later again in his beard...

  36. When they don't listen, it happens often in my house

  37. When our daughter says something cute

  38. Always giving my son a nudge to tidy his room

  39. Rep remaining my girls to do something

  40. I often give my husband a quick nudge to ay attention to something my grandchildren are doing otherwise he would miss the fun!

  41. I Nudge my daughter when she starts spilling all our secrets to her dad when he's asked what we brought on our girly shopping trip!

  42. I'll give my husband a nudge if he falls asleep over my spot.

  43. Give hubby a big Nudge when he is snoring so loud that he has woken me up

  44. I can recall my Mum telling me of one occasion many years ago. She was in Chapel ( Catholic Sunday Service) when her uncle nudged her with his elbow. She thought :- What on Earth does he want? As in Chapel :- Expectation is for Silence to show Respect and Reverence.

    When she turned round to find out what he wanted. Apparently he could not find his hat. He knew he had been wearing it as they were on their walk to Chapel. It had to be some where!

    I think they used body language, and whispers in their attempt to keep with the rules / regulations / expectations of the time and Enviroment. As well as behaving in a Respectful manner.

    Well he could find his hat nowhere. That is until he stood up from the church / Chapel pew. He had been sitting on his hat. The hat was as flat as a pancake ( which it hadn't been originally). My Mum said it was so, so difficult for them to hold back the laughter till they had exited the Chapel. I can imagine the pair of them laughing histerically once they had walked away free of the priest and congregation.

    I have nudged my own fiancé occasionally, when he has been nodding off to sleep. Sometimes when we are travelling. As sometimes almost at destination, and I want him to be alert in order to enjoy our Day Out, etc. Men tend to somehow find it easy to nod off to sleep when travelling.

    Rachel Craig

  45. At the cinema when my husband lets me choose the film to watch and he starts to fall asleep as he finds it borning

  46. Michelle Ferguson25 August 2019 at 08:00

    If their trouser zip was down

  47. if they drop something

  48. Always giving my hubby a nudge, he drifts off when I'm talking ........

  49. Dean T (ribbons1978)25 August 2019 at 16:12

    Nudge em if someone near to us lets out a silent but deadly

  50. When husband is about to blab something out I have asked him to keep to himself!

  51. When they're snoring and you're trying to sleep.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!