
Sunday 3 February 2013

For a stranger

When you join a community you make a decision to be a part of those people's lives. You learn about them and get to know them and you don't get to decide which bits you take. You take it all. You're there for the laughs and the smiles, the funny tales and the witty banter, and you also have to be there to watch if it unravels, when things go wrong or when they fall apart. Sometimes you can hold out your hand and try to help, sometimes you can give the right advice, and sometimes you can only cry. When you step into someone's world you take the whole.

This is a post I've written for someone who doesn't know I exist. Someone I've never met or spoken to, but someone who has allowed us to have a look into her world, and her world has broken. This is also a post for anyone who ever lost their child, those I've met and those I'll never know. This is a post for my brother, who lost his child, and for my parents, who last year lost their son.

I wish you strength and calm and that which my brother never found. The ability to carry on.  x


  1. So sorry for your loss.
    Well said, Jenny! Loving your post!

  2. Gosh that's beautifully written. Says what all of us have been wanting to say , I think...

  3. A beautiful, eloquent post Jenny. You sum up a lot of the emotions we're all feeling at the moment. Sorry for your family's loss xxx

  4. A lovely post with lovely sentiments. I have been so touched by her sad sad story and like you, I don't even know her. It's so nice that so many people care and are there for her I just hope she can find some comfort, no matter how small in that.

    So sorry to hear what your family has been through too, this world is so cruel and unfair it makes me so sad. My babies will be getting extra big cuddles from now on xxx

  5. Wow, I am so touched by that and so sorry for the loss yoru family has suffered. Mich x

  6. Thank you everybody, all your comments are just lovely.

    What has happened to Edspire and her family is truly awful and like you, I hope that she finds some of the strength and support she needs within this fabulous community of genuine people.
    We will all be holding our children a little tighter to us this week xx

  7. This made me cry. This resonsates with so many of us, for personal reasons (and the bigger one that has consumed our thoughts this week) - thanks for sharing my lovely.

  8. Lovely post. I've been feeling really sad for Jennie and her family. Sorry to read of your loss too.

  9. So well expressed. Some things are best put in simple (but very moving) terms.

  10. Very moving post to read, a year on. Speaking from one family that has suffered the loss a child to another. My heart goes out to you Jenny and the lady you speak of. xxx


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