
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Numberbundle Mathematical Activity Boxes Review (age 3-7)

Numberbundles are 'mathematical activity boxes supporting the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum for children aged 3-7'. The boxes are sent out to subscribers on a monthly basis although you can buy them individually, and each one contains different activities around a common theme. Children use the box with their adult, because learning together teaches everyone so much more than working alone.

Numberbundle Activity Boxes Review And Giveaway

My young boys are 5 and 7, and we have been sent a couple of the Numberbundle boxes released recently to review.

Numberbundles review age 3 to 7

My 5 year old has been sent a box with the theme of Money, which ties in with what he's up to at school in Year 1. There are 7 different activities including an easy recipe, a 'shop', playing with coins and familiarising yourself with them, cleaning coins with science, a craft activity and counting activities.

Numberbundle example box money age 5

My son was incredibly excited by the play money and keen to find out what all of the activities were. Almost immediately he decided we didn't have enough 1p's and I added a handful of small change, which he continued to play with all afternoon.

The pack has definitely increased my son's understanding of money. He didn't view any of the activities we tried as 'work' - which he refuses to do out of school. It was definitely play, initiated by him, and he enjoyed it. The variation in activities means that although my son doesn't currently want to participate in craft, he still has plenty to try.

Boys opening numberbundle boxes

My 7 year old has been sent a box with the theme of Time. This was the box for children in Year 2, aged 6-7. Again 7 activities, this time with a larger variety of really nicely prepared resources - laminated cards and clock faces etc. As with his younger brother's pack, his activities included a simple recipe, a science based activity and craft activity.

example numberbundle box age 7 year 2

My son is just learning to tell the time at school, so this is perfect. By playing with clock faces he has really grasped the concept of the circle being in quarters, and having a 'half past' and we were able to take pride in that together. He loves craft and spent hours cutting very carefully to make our own cubes (dice) from sheets of stiff paper.

boys working on numberbundle activities

As someone who has written and delivered teaching and training courses I can see the work that has gone into each Numberbundle to make it interesting and exciting and varied. There is something for everyone, and it's all fun, so children don't realise that they're learning, and they learn so much more.

The supporting paperwork is really easy to understand and gives the adults a good idea of exactly what their child is learning through the activities, and where it fits in with their schoolwork. There is always room to expand on the games and activities, or adapt them to suit your own preferences, but we found the activities perfectly suited to the boy's ages.

Numberbundle activity topics number bundle review

Numberbundle boxes are a fantastic way for you to spend some time relaxing and chatting with your child, learning about them as you help to teach them.  I think they are especially good for parents who feel they want to support their child's learning and keep in touch with their child's progress, but don't know where to start...

A Numberbundle subscription costs £16.99/month + £2.80 UK postage (international postage is available), opt out at any time. There are 4 different Numberbundle age ranges, corresponding with Preschool, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (age 3-7). Each box has a theme and is put together by hand to order.

Numberbundle very kindly offered a Numberbundle box as a giveaway prize for one of my readers. The giveaway is over. 

For all of my current giveaways and advice regarding Gleam, please visit my giveaways page...


  1. I liked English because we did a lot of reading.

  2. My favourite subject was Art, because it was something I really enjoyed and never got bored with, years later I still enjoy it and love to draw and paint x

  3. I liked maths because i found it logical and i liked there was a correct answer!


  4. i loved geography as we got to go to spain for a week :)

  5. My favourite subject was art, i loved to draw.

  6. I liked Sociology and Classical Studies

  7. I loved history and I still do

  8. I really liked History. Just learning about how life was lived in the past.


  9. Science because you could experiment with things lol x

  10. Maths, I enjoyed the locial progression of a problem

  11. IT beacuse i loved computers

  12. Elizabeth Hinds2 March 2016 at 19:47

    It was English - I loved to read and write and still do! I think language is a beautiful thing :)

  13. I loved Maths, I have a very logical mind!

  14. I loved English literature because I did, and still do, adore reading. As an adult I'm fascinated by physics though

  15. geography how things happened

  16. I liked Maths because I like problem solving

  17. My favourite subject was science because we got to do lots of cool experiments and play with fire.

  18. It certainly wasn't maths as I struggled with it once we got past 'big divisions.' Shame these boxes weren't available then. I actually loved history because I was fascinated by the repetitive and unwise nature of human behaviour.

  19. I loved art, creating lots of different things x

  20. I adored English as it allowed me to use my imagination and be creative through my writing

  21. What was your favourite subject at school, and what was it you liked about it? French . . . . . l was good at it and l even became a French teacher even though l am deaf

  22. History, enjoyed it because i love learning about the past

  23. Lynsey Buchanan4 March 2016 at 06:06

    I enjoyed maths I find a safety in numbers they never let you down.

  24. I actually enjoyed most subjects apart from Maths as back in the day it was very boring, but now I think learning it in a more fun way is really good. My fave subject was P.E.

  25. This looks fab. Mua check it out x

  26. I loved Maths as I like a challenge!!

  27. Home economics because I got on really well with my teacher xxx

  28. Reading - loved reading and still do.

  29. I loved English because I like to read.

  30. I loved biology as it always amazed me how the body works still love it's complexity

  31. I loved history, it was so interesting.

  32. Definitely humanities because the subject matter totally grasped me

  33. I loved music because I found it easy - My dad was a musician & I was surrounded by it from a young age (don't really use my music degree any more though!)

  34. I liked learning languages, I liked the puzzle of it, creating sentences and translating, rather than speaking them.

  35. I liked Maths and i still do!

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  37. Geography, loved learning about the world

  38. English literature because i adore the classics and ancient History was so exciting x

  39. I always love design technology at school or home economics :) xxx

  40. I always loved maths, I think it was because it was one of the few things I understood!

  41. I found Biology interesting although would have enjoyed it more is we did Human Biology

  42. I loved English as i loved creative writing x

  43. I loved history learning about Kings and Queens.

  44. History and I loved learning about the Tudor and Victorian eras

  45. I liked science at school, I just found it fascinating.

    Rachel Craig

  46. I loved P-E because i was always quite active so it was great for burning off energy

  47. I liked science because I loved finding out how things worked.

  48. English because I loved listening to or writing stories

  49. Claire Elizabeth Noke22 March 2016 at 22:36

    English and Art - my teachers were amazing and made these classes really fun and interesting for me :)

  50. English was my favourite subject because my love of books was immense so English was the subject I enjoyed the most.

  51. PE have always loved anything to do with exercise

  52. History because I found it easy and interesting to learn about the past.

  53. I loved history just seeing how we use to live

  54. My favourite was English :) loved reading and the magic words create

  55. I loved English because I was introduced to many books I would have missed enjoying reading.

  56. I loved Anatomy as I wanted to be a nurse

  57. I loved Maths - i don't know why, but I just love/d solving problems.

  58. Music but only because there was a boy i fancied lolzzzzz

  59. I loved science because I loved learning how things worked :D

  60. I loved drawing and art but I didn't get to do very much of it.

  61. History because I liked reading historical novels

  62. I liked French best because I was good at it. I think it's because I have a good memory. I got my highest GCSE result in French :)

  63. I loved history because I enjoyed finding out how people's lives changed over time. :)

  64. I love food technology. Great making something from scratch. x

  65. Maths, I loved numbers, was interested in completing all the tasks :)

  66. English because I've always had a big imagination!

  67. Gemma Mason-Rogers26 March 2016 at 05:30

    My favourite subject was art as i loved to draw animals, I havent done any drawing since I left school a number of years ago now, due to being so busy with other things.

  68. I loved drama! O am bit of drama queen lol xx

  69. At primary school it was history, we did a big topic on the Victorians and it really fuelled my enthusiasm to find out more!

  70. Loved English and Art - was useless at Art but my teacher encouraged me rather than told me I was "useless". Loved English until the final month when I was told I should have been in the class above as I found it too easy (going back years when you were in "sets").

  71. I loved English as I am a big reader!

  72. I loved Religious Studies because half of the syllabus was on ethics and we had brilliant debates on subjects like euthanasia, abortion and the like.

  73. My favorite subject was Art because I got to be creative.

  74. I actually liked maths, but only when I got a teacher that could explain things in a way I understood and I enjoyed solving puzzles

  75. My favourite subject was English because I loved to read and learn new things :)

  76. English. The only thing I was in top set for and I loved reading and writing essays

  77. English was my fave as I loved to read and it allowed me to be creative



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