Monday 15 October 2018

October #TBCSmiles 50 Months

It seems weird posting the smiles today because my Social Media feed is absolutely full of candles for a wave of light to remember babies who didn't have the chance to grow up. Today's collection of smiles are dedicated to everyone who ever lost a child, however small your child was.

The pumpkins are just starting to creep in, the nights are drawing darker and Autumn is here. It's my favourite season. I don't see it as an end, I see it as a necessary change, everything hibernating and buckling down for the Winter. I love the colours on the trees and snuggling up under blankets indoors while the wind blows. Movie nights are so much better when it's already dark outside and my youngest sleeps before 11pm....

You've been busy making the most of the last of the sun, we have lots of outdoor smiles this month and there were lots of birthdays too! Thank you to everyone who joined in. it is as always a real joy to see all of your smiles, laughs, grins and giggles. Anyone can join in - just tag a smile on Instagram with #TBCSmiles

These smiles were brought to us by the following instagrammers:

This month I had BlogOn Conference and we've been incredibly busy reviewing toys for Christmas, so most of my own family's smiles will have been taken during those reviews. We are having a great time and we've played with some amazing things. It does mean I work long hours though - if I'm not sitting editing a video at midnight again until 2019 it'll still be too early... It's totally taken our mind off all of our big kids moving out though. We've also had a birthday - we now have a 10 year old.


  1. I just love these posts, they never fail to make me smile. Thank you for including mine x

    1. You are most welcome Susan - thank you yet again for always supplying such amazing smiles. It's lovely watching your kids change and grin at the same time :D


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