Wednesday 7 May 2014

Blog On MOSI 2014

So, despite my partner's best efforts at being seriously ill last week, I made it to Blog On again! Yeeeay.

What a top do! I was fortunate to be invited to the CBiasUk sponsored meal at the Hard Rock Cafe on Saturday night. It didn't go entirely to plan with the tables being ready around an hour late, we ended up being offered dessert well after 11pm (which is too late when you have to be back in town for 10am next morning) but overall it was a really nice evening.

There was a lot of this....

An awful lot of this....

And some of this....

And a veggie burger that's a proper burger!

Bad blogger - completely forgot to take a nice photo!
We went straight home after the meal because we're very sensible....or old....or something.

Up bright and early next morning and back into Manchester for 10am for BlogOn itself.

The day was split into hour long sessions and breaks, which meant we could chat and meet people and talk to all the brands properly. There still wasn't enough time, there's never enough time, but it was lovely to properly meet some of the bloggers who I've read or spoken to online for months now, and a few who's blogs I'd never heard of and will definitely be checking out, and of course some of the bloggers who I really do consider to be some of my closest friends.

My first session was Photography, which was fascinating! I really wanted to hear what everyone had to say, but only got chance to listen to A Mummy Too's Emily explain about photo-editing, and Vanessa from HPMcQ giving advice about photo-editing apps. She had printed out an amazing handout which has information about lots of her favourite apps. (I'm more than happy to copy it for anyone I'm going to see - just ask).

Dear Emily. I will edit this photo, I really will....when I get time...

My second session was Social Media, with Jen from MyMummy'sPennies talking about Facebook and Aly from Plus2.4 on Google+. There was no getting anywhere near the Pinterest table!

After lunch was Creative Copy with Helen from Actually Mummy, A Residence's Penny and Jane from Northern Mum. I really loved this session. Every time you get into a new blogging situation you are never sure if you're doing the right thing, and a lot of what I hoped was right turned out to be the popular opinion. I left there feeling a lot more confident.

All of the sessions were really informal and friendly. We really did mainly chat. I think everyone in the room got a lot more more because of all the input, and it must have been easier on the speakers. I used to be a trainer and I know that getting groups going like that can take days, but I felt the way it was laid out, everyone was able to ask their own questions and be heard.

Ridiculously I didn't take any photo's of the brands! There were some brilliant brands in attendance. Some I've worked with - Crushed, Tiny Me, Swizzels Matlow (don't forget to enter their 60 years of Love Hearts competition), some I'm going to work with, and some my children are sadly now too big for....

In the middle at the back is the lovely Ionela from TinyMe - it's almost a brand photo.

We had an excellent talk by CBias and Jo from SlummySingleMummy about respecting bloggers.

And presentations to the speakers - who were all brilliant, they really were. 

And some more chat, and the raffle....

And Laura, the incredibly Tired Mummy Of Two, without whom it wouldn't happen. I've organised gatherings before, but nothing like on this scale, and the amount of work involved is immense. Thank you.

And the goodie bags and raffle and tombola prizes, and worn out bloggers.....
and the £807.90 raised for the charity When You Wish Upon A Star....
and the 576 nail varnishes collected for Bravery Boxes

Top do! See you next time...


  1. Well done on your very lovely photos of Karen :-D

    1. Hahahaha....anyone who feels they've been badly represented can make their complaint and deserves a backlink :P

  2. You are such a lucky lady to be able to go to this event! It look amazing!

    1. It was really good fun, I had an excellent day. It's a shame you couldn't make it :)

  3. Love the pic of Red Rose Mummy at the end! Great post. I had a fab time too xx

    1. Pippa hates it! I think she looks fine though - certainly better than most of us looked by the end of the day :D

  4. You took more photos than me if it makes you feel any better! :)
    Love that I have the face of a klovely person to fit to your blog now x

    1. Awwwww, shucks. It was really great to meet you too - and all the subjects hate their photo's, so it's probably a good job I didn't get any more :D

    2. I don't think anyone ever likes their own photos ;) X

    3. Karen took a nice selfie with me! I'm keeping it as my stock photo for the next 10 or so years - replace the last one :P

  5. It was a great event wasn't it - I came away feeling really inspired! Lovely to see you too, even if it was brief!

    1. I felt inspired too - it was a really good do. I can't believe how little I saw you! At least it meant you didn't get me into trouble again for talking though :P

  6. Really wish I could have made this, but bad timing for me. Looks like you had a lot going on, Pippa looks absolutely shattered in that last photo!

    1. It was a very long day and we were all shattered, happy but shattered. I had to go home and cook for 9! I wanted my bed instead :D

  7. Looks like you had a great time and got loads out of it which is always good to come away buzzing

    1. I really did come out buzzing actually. Thank goodness I didn't write this post that day or the next, I'd have been massively effusive! :D

  8. Oh you were in my group and I didn't say Hi! I'm actually on your photo looking very grumpy next to Jen which I really wasn't as I learnt so much from her Facebook talk and also managed to barge my way onto the Pinterest table. I was pretty nervous as it was my first blogging event but had a great day and would definitely go again and hopefully say hello next time :)

    1. Oh wow! Really? Hiya :D We should probably introduce ourselves next time!

  9. Aw I wish I had gone to Blog on MOSI now. I had a chance to buy a ticket but was worried about going alone. Oh well I'll know for next time eh

    1. Awww - everyone's far lovelier than I ever imagined when I started blogging. You'd not have been without friends :)

  10. wish there were more events closer to home, this looks like fun and some great information too. Looking forward to my first real big one next month in June see you there...

    1. Absolutely! I can't wait - I'm getting excited now! :D


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