Tuesday 6 October 2020

Hexbug Nano Flash Playground Review (age 3+) Sent for review.

This Autumn Hexbug have released a whole load of clever new sets, and they've sent us the Hexbug Nano Flash Playground to take a look at. We've looked at a couple of the new sets, and the Playground really is what it says - a playground for your Hexbugs to run safely around in.

Hexbug Flash nano playground in box

Packaging is really getting much better, but still contains some single-use plastic. Inside the box are over 30 pieces, including: Hexagonal base board, 2 x ramps, 8 x jelly walls, 4 x mini wall corners, 8 x mini walls, 8 x joints, 2 x merry-go-rounds, plus 3 Hexbugs - 2 x Hexbug Nano, and 1 x Hexbug Flash Nano. 

Hexbug Flash nano Orbit set pack contents spread on table

The Hexbug Flasj nano is bigger, faster, and lights up. It isn't quite as pretty as the regular Hexbug nano, until it's running about. They move by vibrating, which moves the little legs and propels them along. 

Hexbug Flash nano and ordinary nano robot insects

The set is full of slot together pieces which can be used to create an enclosed playground for your Hexbugs. There are flexible jelly walls, and hard cell walls with corners, a raised platform and ramps, and the 2 x 2-part Merry-Go-Rounds. 

Collage of 4 close up views of parts merry go round walls joints corners etc

Using the set couldn't be simpler. It really does just slot together, is so quick to change that you'll find yourself adapting the playground while the Hexbugs are even still running around. At first it wasn't so intuitive to attach the hard corners/walls to the hexagonal platform, but you can see where you are going wrong. 

Hexbug NANO Flash set Playground fixings

It takes about 5 minutes maximum to set up your playground, (and even less time to pack away). Here are a couple of my son's layouts... 

Hexbug nano flash playground set review layout 1 on table

The playground is very rewarding, and once you've seen how it all works, won't be frustrating, even for younger players. It's pretty irresistible, everyone here has a play around with it when they see it on the table - and refreshingly it's so quick to change that no-one ever gets annoyed their creation was 'ruined'. 

Hexbug nano flash playground set review layout 4 on table

A brilliant toy to encourage any child to think in a way that will help them with STEM subjects and life skills. Having fun with Hexbug incorporates physics, logic, puzzle-solving, engineering, maths and so much more. It encourages question and exploration... they may not always get up the ramp, but if not, why not? How can you change it? 

Hexbug nano flash playground set review layout 3

You can find out more about Hexbug, and see all of my Hexbug reviews here

There are several Hexbug Nano sets available, and prices start around a fiver for a single Hexbug. There are 4 new sets with the new features like the jelly walls - a Starter Set, Orbit, Playground and Nanoplex. Available now from toy shops including Smyths (often sale prices) and Amazon (affiliate links):

We were sent our Hexbugs for review. Amazon links are affiliate, which means I earn a few pence "thank you" if you buy through my link, but you don't pay any more. It helps keep the website running. 

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