Monday 15 April 2024

Itson - A More Environmentally Conscious Household Battery (Sent for Review).

This Spring when you are buying batteries for household gadgets and toys you will be able to choose a more environmentally conscious brand with a lower carbon footprint - itson batteries.

itson batteries box cover showing 2 varieties low and high drain

Itson batteries are brought to us by APS (Advanced Power Solutions, previously known as Panasonic Energy Europe), and focus on local production using 100% renewable energy from wind and solar. The batteries are  packaged plastic free, and sourced and made within the EU, further reducing their carbon footprint to as little as one third that of other batteries. 

box of 4 itson power AA batteries best for low drain

Not only are itson more eco-friendly than your average battery, they're simple. Aside from specialist batteries (such as for hearing aids) there are 2 varieties in each of the usual sizes (AA, AAA etc):
'it's Power' is for low to mid drain items including clocks, remote controls and alarms
'it's Premium is for high drain items including gaming, children's toys, cameras and other devices which need a bit more oomph.

pack of 4 itson premium AA batteries in the box

Itson are hoping to shake up the battery market, which hasn't really changed in decades, and could do with a bit of a push forward towards a more sustainable future. They also make a range of rechargeable batteries - which arrive pre-charged with solar power - for even less waste and more longevity. 

I've been sent a really nice plastic-free gift box containing some batteries to try out, and in keeping with the eco-friendly nature it also contains an insect house, recycled notebook and 4 seed balls. Over the past week I've planted the seed balls, placed my insect house somewhere sunny and sheltered, and tested my batteries in all kinds of items I've found around my home. 

itson eco conscious low carbon batteries goodie box

Obviously a low drain battery review isn't the quickest thing you can do, and I haven't yet managed to drain any of the batteries completely. I can't exactly fault them so far on the amount of energy they provide - and I intend to update this post when my clock or remote run out of power, although hopefully that won't be for some time yet. 

I've also been unable to fully deplete any of the high drain batteries - although we've been hampered by bad weather, or we'd have been outside with the remote control car a lot more than we have. Suffice to say, none of the batteries have underperformed - and I can't be more honest, or expect much more, than that! 

seed balls and wooden insect house

itson want to reduce environmental impact, and I was able to recycle all of my cardboard packaging - and I'll be recycling my batteries once they're finished with. In the UK your local authority waste tip will have a special bin for batteries, as will any larger shops and supermarkets which sell batteries.

itson batteries are available now in all of the usual household-use battery sizes, plus a few speciality batteries as well. The prices are very reasonable, and even slightly better compared to some of the other well-known and reliable brands. Rechargeable itson batteries are also available at a very fair price. Here's a link to itson batteries on Amazon (affiliate). 

We were sent our batteries and other goodies for review. I didn't receive any other items or compensation for this post - I just like greener products. Amazon links are affiliate, which may earn me a few pence if you buy through my link, but won't ever cost you a penny more. It helps keep the website running. 

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