Sunday 27 October 2019

Original ALIAS And UK ALIAS Family Board Game Reviews Age 10+ Sent by Tactic

ALIAS is an instant play, easy to learn word guessing game made by Tactic, and they've just released a brand new UK ALIAS version. We've been sent both Original ALIAS and UK ALIAS to review.
Suitable for 4 or more players aged around 10+, in teams of 2 or more, ALIAS will be brilliant for play over Christmas when our grown up family are home for the holidays...

Both games have a similar format. The packaging is a sturdy cardboard box with a plastic insert, which is retained for storage of the game between plays.

Alias Family Board Game Review Age 10+ box contents

The UK ALIAS edition is suitably themed! Both games have bold, bright, modern illustration.

UK ALIAS Family Board Game Review Box contents featuring union jack design

Inside the box are the game board, 6 gorgeous little counters in the shape of people, timer and Question Cards. Original ALIAS has 4 huge piles of cards which contain 3200 different words to guess - try learning all of those..

Original ALIAS by Tactic game board and word card examples

UK ALIAS edition has 300 cards with 1800 words that have a UK connection. In my opinion that did make it slightly easier and more suitable for our 9 and 11 year old boys, as they recognised more of the words, items, places or phrases than on the Original ALIAS cards.

UK ALIAS Family Board Game Review word card examples

The aim of the game is for one player to get the other members of their team to guess the words shown on the cards. You're allowed one chance at each, so don't shout out too early and waste your team's guess.

The active player can keep giving clues until a teammate shouts an answer, then pick up the next card and repeat, until the timer runs out. It's rapid-fire and quite frantic, especially if it's a close match.

Tactic UK ALIAS gameplay set up on table

Active players cannot say the word on the card in whole or part, and which word they choose on the card is decided by which numbered space their counter is on, on the game board.

When the time has run out, correct answers move your team's counter forward one space each, incorrect answers or passes move you back a space. The winning team are first to the end of the board.

ALIAS game review little meeple counters in 6 colours

It's actually quite hard to hold your tongue and not guess early. As the active player you end up hoping no-one blurts out the wrong answer as soon as you start to give a clue. The first time we played we took 3 rounds before anyone moved from the starting space - although it was hilarious we were so bad.

ALIAS family board game being played by 11 and 9 year old boys

Overall we are unanimous we really like playing Original ALIAS, and we prefer the UK ALIAS edition game because explaining pork scratchings or Mary Poppins is funnier and easier than the more sensible words and phrases in original ALIAS.

The age rating is spot on in our opinion. Obviously our 9 year old is very used to playing games, so got the hang of it instantly, but some of the general knowledge, especially in Original ALIAS, is harder for younger players who just haven't heard of things yet!

I will be giving away copies of both Original ALIAS and UK ALIAS in my Christmas Giveaways during November. You can find all of my current giveaways here..

Original ALIAS and UK ALIAS are made and distributed by Tactic. Both suitable for 4 or more players aged around 10+. Original ALIAS and UK ALIAS rrp £24.99 each. Amazon affiliate links below:

We were sent our copies of both games for review. Amazon links are affiliate, which earns me a few pence thank you if you order through my link, but you don't pay any extra.

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