COVID-19 Coronavirus, HPAI Bird Flu and other virus UK and World News Update 24th January 2025
Well hello. It's been a very busy 2 weeks, and if you are reading this then I probably lost internet at some point due to Storm Eowyn (I uploaded this a couple of hours after power went off at 7.40am just in case I lost internet too). Sorry if anything is already out of date - I'll do a quick update to the update when I'm back online! I hope everyone out there isn't too badly affected. Stay safe everyone. Thank you to all of the emergency and essential workers risking their lives to look after us in this weather.
"CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) has provided real-time data and analysis about disease outbreaks and emerging health threats without a break every week since 1960.
Until today."
Dr Tom Frieden, former CDC Director, 23rd January 2025.
The USA has a new President and as promised, Trump immediately signed executive orders withdrawing the USA from the Paris Climate Agreement (alongside just Iran, Libya and Yemen) and the World Health Organisation. Any WHO member officially has to give 1 year's notice to leave, so it may not have an immediate effect.
Trump's reasoning was the “organisation’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises. Its failure to adopt urgently needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states.”
The WHO disagree.
Trump also feels the US pays too much compared to other larger countries, such as China.
On top he put a 90 day hold on "foreign development assistance", so any disease outbreak in a poorer nation can kiss USA support goodbye.
Much more concerning, on Tuesday Trump ordered a pause on all all external communications from federal health agencies, pending a 'review'. It includes the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the NIH (National Institutes of Health), the NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics) and several others.
This is massive, there's no given end date, no idea what sort of 'review' is being planned, and it could potentially include website and social media posts, health advisories, regular reports and summaries, in-depth research, bird flu in humans, food and drug recalls, disease outbreak information and so much more. What could possibly go wrong?
As we know, by Trump’s logic if you don't test, you don't have cases - so if you don't announce anything, it never happened. Probably.
When Trump was last in office, he issued a similar order on environmental agencies, and websites were amended to remove things like climate change. There are some very worried people right now archiving as much as possible...
Before he left, Biden issued a preemptive pardon for former Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, due to "ongoing threats and intimidation".
Not everything he said during the first years of COVID was accurate, nor was it all false. He was a victim of the nature of science - as we learn, we quite rightly change advice. He's also a victim of disinformation, with Twitter users furious over mask-wearing and vaccinations - two strategies that have proven time and again to have saved millions of lives.
The UK seems to be making ground in mental health.
1.8 million referrals to Talking Therapies were made last year, with more than 1.2 million people starting treatment. 9/10 were given support within 6 weeks.
67,000 people were given support to get them back to work.
The UK COVID Inquiry continues, talking about logistics, funding etc.
Matt Hancock said the UK was in an "excellent position" with vaccine research and development going into pandemic, but "less so" regarding actually making the jabs.
Dr Jenifer Dixon had the figures behind the near collapse of our NHS: "In the last decade, public health funding was reduced per head by 22%."
(Save it Wes. We are just mortal flesh and bone, and without our health we have nothing.)
Wes Streeting, UK Health Secretary, gave a Winter Statement. Hospitals are thankfully down to 1 critical incident from 24 last week.
"I will not pretend that everything is going well when it is not. The experience of patients this winter is unacceptable."
He has funding for 1,000 more GPs by April, and more cash for GP surgeries. 12,000 people are in hospital because of a lack of somewhere safe to go, so £3.7 billion will be pumped into social care, home adaptations and carers allowances.
On 10th January, WHO received reports regarding suspected Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) in the Kagera region of the United Republic of Tanzania - this was confirmed on 20th January. As of 24th January 10 suspected cases, 9 of whom have died. The source of this outbreak is currently unknown.
Kagera experienced its first MVD outbreak in March 2023 (9 cases, 6 deaths). Animal carriers, such as fruit bats, live in the area.
WHO have assessed NATIONAL RISK as HIGH, the cases are in 2 districts, suggesting geographic spread. They've also assessed REGIONAL RISK as HIGH, because Kagera is a transit hub, with significant cross-border movement with Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kagera has an airport, but it's not international, so current assessment of GLOBAL RISK is LOW.
Marburg is not easily transmissible. Like mpox it usually requires contact with body fluids of a sick patient with symptoms or surfaces contaminated with these fluids.
Symptoms are headache, high fever, back pain, diarrhoea, haematemesis (vomiting with blood), malaise (body weakness) and, at a later stage of disease, external haemorrhage (bleeding from orifices).
There is no vaccine and no known treatment for Marburg. Zimbabwe has deployed a rapid response team and earmarked $10.8 million for a response plan, and health officials are discussing compassionate use of the same antivirals and candidate vaccine that helped stem a recent outbreak in Rwanda.
The US National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative has studied myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in people with long term symptoms of COVID. The results won't surprise a lot of Long COVID sufferers, but they're not good.
They studied 11,785 participants infected by SARS-CoV-2 at least 6 months previously, and 1,439 participants who had not been infected (heaven knows where they found them).
4.5% post-COVID-19 participants met ME/CFS diagnostic criteria (1 in 22), compared to 0.6% participants (1 in 166) that had not been infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus.
New incidence cases of ME/CFS are 15 times higher than pre-pandemic levels.
ME/CFS isn't just about being tired. It is about being unable to relieve fatigue however much you sleep, and the more you do mentally or physically, the more exhausted you are. Sufferers also have dizziness when standing and/or cognitive impairment. It destroys your ability to function normally.
I've said it many times. Catching COVID, especially repeatedly, is not good for your health.
WHO 11th January situation report on mpox:
"The outbreak continues predominantly in the DR Congo, Burundi and Uganda, with new travel-related cases identified in previously unaffected countries."
It continues to be a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).
The UK Governnment aren't sitting quietly regarding mpox. In September 2024, they secured over 150,000 doses of mpox vaccines to help boost resilience against a clade 1 mpox outbreak (people are ill for around 3 weeks, and the mortality rate is between 1% to 10% depending on health care and who is infected). They have announced £5.5million investment for research in central Africa, focusing on:
- Studying genetics and transmission
- Strengthening public health responses
- Improving vaccines and treatment
...And they have also released new contact tracing guidance, splitting contacts into 3 categories of risk, with advice on isolation, vaccination and follow up.
UK detected 5 cases of mpox clade 1 in 2024, with household transmission, and 1 new case this week. There have been 11 mpox clade 1 cases in Europe since August 2024 - Sweden 1, Germany 7, Belgium 2, France 1. In Germany and Belgium there was household transmission.
Outside Europe, China has reported cases with household transmission, and Sierra Leone (which lost 7% of healthcare workers in the 2014 Ebola outbreak) has declared a State of Emergency after detecting 2 unrelated cases.
Mpox is quite hard to catch, until you share a bathroom, bedroom, or other close contact. It spreads via body fluids, including droplets from the nose, mouth or skin rash/lesions.
Meanwhile in a surprise move, Japan has approved antiviral drug tecovirimat for the treatment of mpox (and close relatives smallpox and cowpox). This is a drug Governments (including the USA) keep in strategic reserves based on effective monkey trials against smallpox. It's only recently been able to be tested in humans against mpox - and sadly it DID NOT WORK. No shortening of illness or decrease in illness severity versus a placebo, so it's a strange choice to approve it now.
The UKs Royal College of Nursing has strong warnings about "corridor care", which seems to be becoming a regular rather than extreme measure.
"Nursing staff trying to care for patients in corridors, storerooms, carparks, offices and even toilets. No access to safety critical facilities like oxygen, suction or monitoring equipment. Fire escapes blocked. Patients having diagnoses and discussions in public, and being treated, fed, washed and toileted – and sadly even dying – with no privacy. Staff across health and social care at breaking point as professionals and as people, knowing they cannot give patients and families the care and dignity they deserve."
Wes Streeting (UK Health Secretary) agrees it is grim. Fix it Wes. Save the NHS.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI bird flu) is back in the UK with a bang. 3 English outbreaks last update, and now more:
3 dead wild birds in Northern Ireland (Tyrone, Down and Antrim) tested positive. Biosecurity measures were ordered across Northern Ireland from 18th January.
On 20th January bird flu confirmed in Wem, North Shropshire, England (beside the Welsh border).
On 21st January confirmed at commercial premises in North Yorkshire
Well over a million birds are affected. To prevent spread and a painful death, they will all be culled.
UK barn egg production could be heavily impacted, so eggs and egg products may face price increases and/or shortages.
Last time I reported that despite headlines about human bird flu outbreaks, China just appears to be having a bad time with ordinary Winter virus including flu and human Metapneumovirus (hMPV). It seems likely they've opened overspilll isolation wards for respiratory patients, but that's common sense and we'd all do it if we had the capability.
China has reported just 3 new human cases of bird flu (2 H9N2 and 1 H10N3 - via the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection).
All suggestions of mass human bird flu outbreaks in China still trace back to a single source, who haven't always been accurate. If I ever find anything to back it up, you'll be the first to know.
A child in San Francisco is the latest US human with H5N1. They tested positive for flu and had conjunctivitis, further testing confirmed H5N1. They had mild illness and have recovered. It's unknown how it was caught, but San Francisco Department of Public Health repeated warnings about staying clear of wild birds, and avoiding consuming raw milk and milk products.
No more data, so we don’t know what has happened since...
At least 13 US house cats have already died or become ill through eating raw cat food infected with HPAI H5N1 Avian Flu. Also 1 exotic cat and a couple of dozen large cats at sanctuaries.
(Regular store bought pet food is pre-cooked. )
A record number of farmed birds have been culled (over 20 million in the USA in the last quarter of 2024 - egg prices are going up) to try and prevent spread, and meat entering the food chain, but it's clearly not working incredibly well. One dead cat was linked to a turkey farm outbreak, but in most cases it's unknown how the food became infected.
Cats are also becoming infected via wild birds, and another 6 infected pet cats were added to the US database on Wednesday. There is no record of all the farm cats who died after drinking infected milk, or cats who died without being tested. If you live in a bird flu area and it is at all possible, keep your cats indoors.
South Korea is strengthening resilience against H5N1 bird flu too. They are expanding overall influenza surveillance, and plan to stockpile H5N1 vaccines. Their analysts have predicted a worst case scenario for a human to human outbreak of H5N1 (or another comparable new flu or disease) would within a month infect 40% of the population, hospitalising around 280,000 people.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has secured the rights to order 11 million doses of avian flu vaccines in case of an outbreak.
There's basically a queue forming...
Health Minister Dr Atonio Lalabalavu has officially declared an HIV outbreak in Fiji due to a surge in cases and deaths. 1,093 new cases Jan to Sept 2024, with 115 deaths. They have implemented an HIV Outbreak Response Plan and long term Surge Strategy to strengthen health care systems.
The UK has imposed a ban on "commercial import of cattle, pigs, sheep, deer, buffaloes and their products such as meat, and dairy from Germany" following an outbreak of foot-and-mouth near Berlin. Germany's first outbreak for 35 years was first detected in farmed buffalo.
UK travellers be warned - you cannot bring back pretty much any unpackaged animal products anyway, but for now German commercially packaged meat and other animal goods are also barred.
Boris Johnson and the UK Conservative Government famously promised 40 new hospitals. Finally Wes Streeting, current UK Health Secretary, has had to admit we don't have the money for them - and we never did.
Including more recent projects - 21 are already underway, 7 will start by 2029, and another 18 will have to wait until 2032-2039.
I thought I'd never mention her name again, but Hannah Ingram-Moore, daughter of NHS COVID hero Sir Lord Captain Tom Moore, has surpassed herself. Last year her company 'Club Nook' (created to manage the finances and intellectual property of her late Dad) had assets of £336,300. It has folded, with assets of just £149. Where did the rest go?
Ah well, bye. Don't let the door hit you in the face on the way out.
In response to recommendations from the Covid-19 Inquiry Module 1 report, this Autumn the UK Government will hold "the largest ever national response exercise". Basically a 'pandemic drill'. Everyone in Government or civil service will take part at some point - it won't all happen on one day.
In the event of another pandemic, the Government has committed to offering more help to vulnerable groups, so the ONS have created a UK map of areas disproportionately affected, for targeted support. Over 4,000 people will be trained each year in 'resilience and emergency roles', and there'll be another national test of the Emergency Alert System.
You can turn alerts off, but please consider this very carefully. It might be wise in the case of a person with continuous care and a condition such as dementia, but for most of us you'd probably want to know if an emergency was occurring. I received my first genuine alert yesterday, telling me I had a red weather warning, and hopefully it made a few extra people decide to stay at home in safety.
Really this just brings the UK into line with other countries who practise for emergencies. We've been very complacent this last few decades...
It is the weekend - and for a lot of the UK Saturday will bring some relief from the weather (and hopefully some electricity please!). The entire UK has had bad weather, as have a lot of people around the world. A lot of people in the USA had rights or jobs last week that have been wiped away this week. Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever sort of week you've had, don't forget to do something nice for yourself - you have earned it, you deserve it, and it's good for your heart and soul. Care for yourself, and you'll be in a better position to face the world and all that it can throw at you.
Until next time (which may be a quick update if I missed anything due to not having electricity or internet, or may be the usual 2 weeks), look after yourselves, and please stay safe.
Don't Go Out In A Storm, Remember You Have Immense Value, Save The NHS...
Sources COVID
Reference pages H5N1
Infectious disease tracker
Bird flu updates and news
Moo flu B3.13
Wild bird flu D.1.x
HPAI Detections in Mammals - chart image
Image sources
WHO response to USA leaving - image
WHO Image Peace is the best medicine
WHO image signs of a heart attack
No flu strains are the same UK HSA image
UK NHS stay at home if you are unwell
UKHSA hand sanitizers dont kill Norovirus
Text sources
Quote tom frieden
Trumps first day in power - leaving WHO
Uh oh US pause on all health agencies' communications
Fauci pardon
NHS Talking Therapies
UK COVID Inquiry
Dr J Dixon
Wes Streeting
Marburg as of 15th Jan in Tanzania
Marburg in Tanzania 20th Jan
Marburg update 24th Jan
Mpox still a PHEIC
Situation report : Multi-country outbreak of #mpox
UK investment mpox image
UK 1 new case of clade 1 Mpox with image
UK publishes mpox contact tracing guidance
UK investment mpox
New case mpox 2025
Sierra leone declares state of emergency over 2nd mpox case 13th Jan
Japan approves mpox drug
H5N1 in UK - England, Wales and Northern Ireland
China bird flu outbreak - all leads to the same single source.
"NTD has concealed the individual’s identity for security reasons. The source says there have been at least 100 H5N1 infections in the country to date. Authorities are said to be building isolation facilities near some highways."
China reports two human new cases of H9N2 bird flu and one new case of H10N3 bird flu, according to the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection.
This is the 4th human H10N3 bird flu case ever reported.
San Francisco child with H5N1,204]
6 more cats infected
Eggs and chickens
1.25billion usd on egg and chicken losses due to HPAI Egg prices have already begun to soar
Record losses of 20m chickens culled in the US during just the last quarter of 2024.
South Korea HPAI H5N1 preparations
Norway gets 11m doeses of avian flu.vaccine
Fiji HIV
UK bans import of live meat from Germany due to Foot and Mouth outbreak in Berlin
Strong warnings on patients dying in corridors
Company run by Captain Tom's daughter folds with just £149 in assets
30 new hospitals
New hospitals delayed
UK emergency pandemic exercise in autumn
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