Wednesday 9 November 2016

Lumie Starter 30 Bodyclock Christmas 2016

Lumie understand that we can't always just wake up instantly, they appreciate how hard it can be on our poor tired souls. Especially in winter, to have time to wake up slowly and naturally is often impossible. The Lumie Starter 30 Bodyclock wakes you by increasing the light gradually over 30 minutes. Recreating a natural dawn helps to keep your sleep cycle on track, boosting mood, energy and productivity levels all day.

At the other end of the day, your Lumie Bodyclock light also recreates dusk, to relax you and settle you for a better night's sleep...

I live in Manchester. In Winter we get 14 seconds of sunlight a day, usually around 1pm, and it isn't usually wise to stay in bed until then, it also means we really are missing out on natural light. The Lumie Bodyclock can also be used with a lightbox to help combat SAD, and can help reset your circadian rhythm to overcome jetlag or shift work.

Setting up the clock is really easy. It's necessary to take the cover off to install the specially designed bulb, and then follow the written instructions or online video tutorial to set up your clock as you want it. I found the instructions looked really daunting, but when I actually came to do it, it was easy and straightforward.

The Lumie Bodyclock light has a gorgeous 'rays of sunshine' effect at the rear, which diffuses the light and throws a pattern on the wall. You can also use your clock as an infinitely adjustable dimmable nightlight. The light level changes are really broad, from a bright white light, to a warm glow to represent the setting/rising sun.

I haven't yet had time to properly test the Lumie Bodyclock, but I have a lot of faith in the Science behind it and the positive reviews I've heard from people I know and trust, as well as those I've read online. And I'm pleased with what I've seen so far.... ask me again in the morning....

I'll no doubt revisit the Lumie Bodyclock later and my teenage daughter is also using the Lumie Clear - Light Therapy for problem skin.

 The Starter 30 has an rrp of £59.95 and there are a range of Lumie Bodyclocks with different special functions. You can find out more about the range, and what it can do for you, on the Lumie Bodyclock website

Lumie kindly offered a Starter 30 Bodyclock worth £59.95 for one of my readers in my Christmas Present Giveaways 2016. That giveaway has now ended.

To see my other giveaways, please go to my giveaways page.


  1. My wife is first up as she starts cooking from about 6am. As we have all the family come to our house each year. Kids soon follow so I don't get a lay in either.
    I guess it's only once a year (the rest of the year I can't get them out of bed) lol 😉

  2. Usually about 8am. The kids get up first in our house.

  3. im usually awake first at 5.30am latest and wake everyone else at 6am

  4. I'm awake first or mum and dad but we all stay in bed. Dad then does a cooked breakfast and we go downstairs x

  5. Forgot to say. We are usually awake about 8.30am

  6. Usually around 5.30am. The kids are up before me for once!

  7. I am the last to get up as I hate the dark mornings. My son is usually the first but the last two years he woke up at 8am, so no early morning wake ups for us!

  8. We all get up together around 8am ish! Not too bad these days thanks Georgina Jacobs

  9. I get up first, then I wake my partner up and then we wake our 3 year old up, Last year I was too over excited and woke our daughter up at about 5AM, wont be doing that this year as she was grumpy the rest of the day and needed a nap. This year maybe 7AM is more reasonable lol!

  10. i usually get up at about 8am and am the first up

  11. I try not to get up before 08:00 on Christmas Day

  12. Me and my partner are usually up around 7.00 as we like to start to get on preparing for the Christmas dinner early x

  13. about 7am my girls get up first

  14. I'm usually the first awake around 7am, I'm always so excited. One year we even had to wake the kids up !

  15. About 7.30am, which is my normal time pretty much.

  16. I'm usually up first about 8 now although was earlier when kids were younger x

  17. I always wake early so even on Xmas day it is me who comes down first

  18. Robert rises first for food, is left with a snack of cereal and a stocking we don't rise until 7 am. ..

  19. I am a really severe insomniac so I get going at about 4am. I quite like this time before everyone else surfaces and it allows me to organise everything before the chaos of the day begins

  20. When the kids were small I used to be excited and wake up first now they are teenager they wake up first as we go to midnight mass.

  21. im the first one up starting food at 5am evryone else usually wakes up at 6/7am

  22. I usually get woken up at about 7am,

  23. I always get up first, I still get excited

  24. I'm always up first, usually about 4. a.m. - that's my normal waking time, but it means I can get everything done in peace.

  25. We normally get up around 7am

  26. I used to be first up around 4-5am.
    Now I get woken up by my mum who is very impatient and calls me around 7am to ask us to hurry up and go over to her house! haha.

  27. We're usually up by 6am - it's the kids that are up first!!

  28. I'd love this for my daughter, who finds mornings challenging

  29. my kids usually wake me up around 7am or x

  30. My son always gets up first comes in and wakes us up we are all usually up by 7am my daughter is usually the last to wake up

  31. I'm the first one up!

  32. Around 6am and its usually me whose awake first. Haha

  33. We're lucky they are all great sleepers do its isually after 7

  34. I wake up around 8 and then wake the rest of the house.

  35. We try for around 6ish ... usually it is me that is too excited to sleep!

  36. My sister wakes up first around 5am (she's 40) then goes stomping around the landing to wake my niece who's 5, then sends her into wake me because I won't shout at her..... Every year :(

  37. I usually get up about 9am on Christmas Day

  38. My wake-up time varies, since each of my days varies. Generally speaking, though, I'm up by 8.30.

  39. With little ones it's usually an early start in our house. Youngest up around 5.30? She then wakes siblings and all pile into our room with their stockings to open (this gives me & DH a bit of extra time ;-) )

  40. Now my son is 15 we get to lie in till about 10.00am which is great as I have to do all the wrapping after he's gone to bed Christmas Eve so I am usually up until 2.00am!

  41. My mum gets up first to put on the turkey, Im usually up about half 7.

  42. i get up about 9am and get breakfast ready

  43. When the kids were little it was 6ish now they are older its about 9 :)

  44. About 8-9am usually. My husband tends to get up first as he likes to be in charge of the turkey

  45. 6am, I'm first up as I normally have a monster turkey to get in my oven!

  46. usually 5am, I then take the doggies out over the meadows and when I get back the festivities start.

  47. living alone, I`d dont get up til about 9am

  48. My other half is usually awake first he's such a big kid then I give up ordering everyone else back to bed.

  49. My daughter wakes up first usually about 7.30-8am then comes and wakes me up

  50. Just me and my partner at Christmas (and our 4 legged kids!). We usually get up at about 6 and open our presents straight away!

  51. probably about 6 and i am normallly the first up

  52. heck my twins are up with my little one at 4.30 last year!! Sharon Lou Johnson

  53. I usually wake first, excitedly wait for the kids to wake and we usually get up around 8am.


  54. The kids know not to get up before 7am

  55. About 7am. I'm the first one up.

  56. I have a lie in on xmas day. No one gets me up until about 9am :)

  57. In Christmas the children are woken very early at about 5 am because they are excited and as long as presents are not opened I do not manage to calm them but it is so pleasant to see

  58. We get up at 6 Am and its me or my 8 year old who wake up first. I love Christmas

  59. I'm always up first, about 5am. I look out of the window to see my Mum up in her house too because she's waiting to see her grandson on Christmas day <3

  60. Now my children have left home, there's no rush to get up. Normally about 9am :)

  61. I always wake up really early!! Which is weird because I struggle to get up at a decent time most days hehe... but it'll be before 7 and I have to drag everyone else out of bed to go and open presents and make breakfast :p xx

  62. Our kiddies dictate when we get up - it's their day and if they want to start it at 5am then we let them xx

  63. We are usually up around 6am and my son wakes us up, even now he's a bit older! Then we all get up together to open presents.

  64. My daughter usually gets up first about 8am

  65. oooo quite late, around 9 or 10am and dont open presents until we have had breakfast, stocking can be opened though!

  66. Last year the kids were still young and didn't really know what was going on so it was around 7.30am

  67. I always struggle to sleep, lol. We usually get up around 6/7. Before we had our son me and my husband woke up at 3am and opened our gifts then went back to bed, lol x

  68. Don't have kids till after lunch, so I intend to sleep in.

  69. Last year we had a 2 week old baby, so when the kids slept in till 08:30 we were very happy! Usually we get up at about 07:00

  70. About 6am still excited after all these years

  71. My little boy is usually up at 5am every morning lately so Xmas Day doesn't seem that much of a problem at present? ;)

  72. Now the kids have left home it is the only day when we turn the alarm clock off and stay in bed as long as we want

  73. the kids wake up first i get up 1 hour later

  74. I normally have to work on Christmas day, so I'm up at 5.30am

  75. About 5:00 - but that's after sending the kids back to bed several times!!!! sometimes they get up before we've even gone to bed!

  76. the kids wake up first about 8am i get up 1 hour later as its also my b/day so i have a rare lie in before all the mayhem starts

  77. I usually get up around 7 am and the first up, so I make the breakfast to start the day x

  78. We all love our sleep so about 7.30ish

  79. My partner's brother is always up first, but the excitement builds for the family so we are often not far behind him!

  80. Ha, My kids don't sleep with all that excitement. My daughter usually jumps out of bed first about 6ish and I'll ask in vain for 10 more minutes.

  81. Usually 7-8. Then we go and do a Park Run!

  82. We try to not actually get up till 9am but our dog Hudson wakes us about 6am as he has seen us put the presents out so is very excited!

  83. I am definitely going to get one of these for my husband for Christmas and I am hoping it helps him to sleep at night too (maybe take the worry out of the alarm?)

  84. We usually manage til around 7am before we get up. Lie awake for ages beforehand though super excited!

  85. Usually about 8am my and my husband will get up, as we dont have young children, we dont have anyone to wake us up earlier!

  86. I'm like a big kid and am usually awake first, I tend to get too excited and impatient and wake everyone at 6am if they are not awake by then.

  87. Am the 1st up normally only have 2 to 3 hours cause been setting up all night can't sleep to excited to see my daughters face try to hold as late as a can normally around 7

  88. The children usually wake about 4am!!! And I don't usually get to bed till after 1am as have to wait till they all asleep for "Santa's visit" and as it's well after 11pm when they finally fall asleep Christmas eve.... So tempted to bodge the calendar this year and have them believe Christmas isn't till a day later so that they go sleep!!

  89. My hubby is always the first to get up on Christmas Day (even before the kids). Usually well before 6am.

  90. We have a 6am rule as well, but a few times I've had to wake the kids at 8am!! once they're asleep, that's it lol!!

  91. My children have flown the nest now but it was usually around 7am. My Grand-children however are much earlier around 6am! Glad they only descend at Grandmas around lunchtime :)

  92. I'm normally up first at about 8.30.

  93. My children are so excited that they end up falling asleep really late, if we are lucky they might wake at 6am which is late for Christmas day!

  94. My partner!! He is the biggest kid ever!

  95. My brother is ALWAYS the first up. He bounces on my bed at 6am every Xmas. Who would have thought he is 28...

  96. I wake up first, my husband is terrible at getting up!

  97. I had to "train" my kids to stay in their rooms until the alarm went off at 9am. I always worked nightshift Christmas Eve and wanted to make sure I was in to see their faces when they realised Santa had been.

  98. I live on my own...but still even as a adult I still get up early with excitement. I love seeing my nieces Christmas morning

  99. My daughter is the first up ROUND 4 AM

  100. I'm usually the first one up around 7:30am and I have to wake the children up!! Would love a Lumie clock as I suffer with an Under active Thyroid and one of the symptoms is sleeping too heavy and struggling to wake up rested!! Especially in the Winter Mornings when it is so dark.

  101. My husband always gets up waaay before me. Last year he brought our 6m old in to climb over me at 8am as he couldn't wait any longer for me to get up! Haha. I'm guessing this year he'll be making the most of playing with our now 18m old!

  102. My hubby who "hates" Christmas is always up first at 6am ... he gets excited to see the kids open their presents ... but we all go down about 6.30 !!

  103. JE. Participe. LIKE la page et partage mode. PUBLIC. Merci je veux le gagner

  104. JE. Participe like. Partage. Public..

  105. gosh, Im up before everybody else cooking the delicious breakfast

  106. If the grandkids are staying over christmas , me and my hubby are first up , normally about 7

  107. we get up usually around 6am or when the children wake us

  108. I'm usually first up, Christmas and my birthday i get up at 5am like when i was little haha..managed to sleep a little longer last year but now my daughters 3 i think it will be her waking us! :)

  109. The kids always have me up before 7am as they are so excited xx

  110. My daughter was always awake first, how did I survive? Now we just get up when we feel like it, maybe about 10.

  111. I get up first around 6am to put the first joint of meat in!

  112. I'm usually the first up, about 8.30!

  113. Usually the kids are up first, between 7-8am. I pretend I can't hear or see them if it's earlier!

  114. I'm always up first around 9am ish - thank you I've entered :) xxx

  115. I'm always first up around 8am

  116. Usually jumped on by 7am ;-)

  117. This really would be a dream come true for my daughter, she suffers so terribly in the longer darker days and nights, thank you so much for this chance x

  118. In the pre-Baby days me and my other half used to stay in bed til at least 9 and then have a really leisurely morning (to the horror of my dad who, even though his kids have grown up and moved out, still gets very excited for xmas day and seems to think 7am is a lie in). Now we have our little one, we rarely get to sleep beyond 6am on any day, let alone xmas... sigh

  119. Me bright and early.

  120. I'm usually one of the first in my house! I'm up at 7am!

  121. We usually spend Christmas with our family in Switzerland where it's tradition to celebrate Christmas Eve, so on Christmas day everyone is having a lie in

  122. The kids are up first shortly followed by me because I get just as excited as they do. Then we have to all drag my partner out of bed

  123. With teenage kids now I'm the first one up at about 7.30am they sleep till about 9

  124. It's changing every year as my little girl gets older and starts to realise whats going on. I'm hoping no earlier than 6am.

  125. I usually get up about 730am but the kids are always up before me.....eager to open their presents

  126. I have SAD so would so love to win one of these! xxx

  127. When our girls were little we got up around 7 am. But they were not allowed downstairs until we were up. Our girls have now left home. We still get up around the same time, as we like to get to my mother-in-laws for around 9 am

  128. my daughter will be up by 6am and then wake the rest of us up :)

  129. My step son is always up first and sneaks downstairs to nose at his presents. Which we find funny as he is 16 not 6 lol. I usually get up about 8 to start the dinner prep.

  130. 7am as my baby is still only little :)

  131. I'm always up around half past five any day, then on Christmas day we'll be round to see the grandsons about ten o'clock.

  132. we wake up about 4.30 we all get over excited and i will be the first up x

  133. My 6 year daughter will be first up, normally about 6.30am! I try and sneak an extra half hour in but there's no chance with all the excitement :)

  134. I am the first person up - every year!

  135. Im up as early as the kids wake up but if its before 6am they get told to go back to bed and wait until it is 6am

  136. The joy have having older children is that they will seize any opportunity for a lay-in, so usually about 10am!

  137. I find this time of year so hard without sun light. Would love to win to see if this really makes a difference!

  138. These days Iam up really early for work so enjoy a lie-in until 9ish

  139. My girls have never woken up before 7am on Xmas day, we usually get up around 8am

  140. Santa doesn't come in our house until 7 am, which may seem a little mean but we do leave a small stocking at the end of their beds with an orange and small toy to play with in case they are up early.

  141. 5 am - same as every other day!

  142. I must admit I'm a late riser always have been even as a little girl I've been known to sleep til midday on Christmas, strange I know lol but now aged 28 my patterns all over the place I find it so hard to sleep but think it's due to My tablets regarding epilepsy xx

  143. The kids have their Christmas stocking in their room and can eat all the chocolate in them. We all get up at 8am and have breakfast before opening the presents then it is down to the beach with the dog.

  144. We come down at 7am ish. My youngest 3 wake early but play in their room for a little bit before they want to go downstairs

  145. Usually me at around 5.30am to get the bird in the oven!!!

  146. Whenever I wake up naturally - it's the only day of the year (except maybe my birthday!) where I feel I can have a lie in guilt free!

  147. Usually 7 am, i am the one who wakes up first and head over to kitchen. Love to win this body clock. Thank you for the oppurtunity

  148. My son is still pretty young so he doesn't wake up really early

  149. I'm normally up first as I'm a big kid lol but as the family is older now we dont get up til 7am ish lol

  150. when the kids were younger it was 6am but now theyre both teens its more like 9am thank goodness

  151. I am up first getting ready for the Grandchildren to arrive

  152. I normally get up when my girls wake me up about 8am

  153. Children up first of course, 530 ish!

  154. my youngest who gets up around 7

  155. Me I'm up at about 5 waiting patiently for my big kids to get up

  156. Im always the 1st one up so will be me Christmas morning too without a doubt

  157. My son tends to wake us all up around 0730....when we all go downstairs and have a cuppa with biscuits before we get started.

  158. my husband always on crimbo morning.. he goes down to light the log fire & make tea

  159. Around 7ish and usually my dad

  160. Its usually my daughter that wakes first and she then goes in to wake her brother. We have said if it's before 6am, go back to bed! ;)

  161. I'm usually up around 7 then I wake up my partner and the kids, it's the only day of the year that I'm up first!

  162. My daughter is always up first, but I have told her that she isn't allowed to wake any of us up until 8am!!

  163. my mum wakes up first and puts the meat to cook in the oven all day x

  164. I get up first, simpoly because I'm programmed for early mornings after years of 5am starts (even if I go to bed late, unfortunately) At least have excited kids for company

  165. We usually get up around 8am depending on what time my father is collecting us to take us to my brothers home for Christmas x

  166. Usually around 7am when they can't bear to keep quiet any more!

  167. I get up around 10 am and my children around 11 or midday.

  168. we get up at our normal time, about 7ish.

  169. me and my husband are up at 5 waiting for our grandaughter to wake up! usually she wakes around 8!

  170. Arouns 7 normally, depending on kids

  171. I'm awake at around 7am to check on the turkey! Nothing better than waking up to the smell of the turkey roasting away!

  172. Its just me and the hubby but we still wake up around 7/8am as so excited for presents!

  173. roughly around 6am love to get up early as I want to enjoy the whole day plus get a head start on dinner

  174. Normally I wake up first - then try and creep down for a cup of tea before anyone else!

  175. At the moment we wake up first, around 8am! I think that will all change when my son is a little older!

  176. usually wake up around 8am but probably won't venture from under the duvet for a hour!

  177. My daughter wakes up first,then wakes everyone else up

  178. I'm definitely the one that wakes first about 6am so I can get the pets sorted, turkey basted and breakfast ready for everyone

  179. Usually around 6ish when my son wakes up

  180. I wake around 8ish and get up around 9:30 - but then it all depends on what needs to be cooked!

  181. I'm usually up first, usually around 6.15am, I still get so excited about Christmas so I get up and make a cup of coffee, waiting for everyone else to rise.

  182. Usually between 6 and 7. Its my son who wakes us up first!

  183. I get up first at around 6.30 am

  184. Around 6 and family start ringing me around 6.30,I'm usually first up :)

  185. Whenever my youngest decides it's time to get up usually around 6

  186. We try to stay in bed until around 9.00 if possible. Our son's usually good at lying in - although of course, once he's awake he wants to get up and see what Santa has brought for him lol. Luckily, Santa always leaves one present in his bedroom so he has one to get started on while we get up and moving ����

  187. That's difficult to say as it depends on how much I've drank the night before

  188. Varies, we do try to encourage a Peaceful start to the day. A s the remainder of the day can be so busy.

    Rachel Craig

  189. We normally get woken up at 8am by the children

  190. I'm normally up at about 7am, a bit later than usual

  191. We are normally up at about 8am

  192. the kids get up about 7 ish then me then the other half and finally the dog

  193. I am always the first up about 6am then put the kettle on cos as soon as my kids hear the kettle they want something ha ha

  194. Me and my husband are usually awake about 6 with the kids coming in not long after!

  195. My girls got up about 7.30 last year, hoping we'll have the same again this year :-) x


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