Wednesday 9 November 2016

BAEBOX Monthly Subscription Box For Tweens And Teens Giveaway

BAEBOX is a new monthly subscription box created with growing-up girls in mind. There are two different boxes, the Tween Box aimed at age 8-12 and the Teen Box for 13-15. BAEBOX have kindly offered one of their Subscription Boxes (and it'll be the Christmas box!) for one of my readers in my Christmas Present Giveaways.

My daughter is 16, so just over the target age range, but we've both been excited about BAEBOX sending us a selection of items you'll find in the Teen Boxes.... The box was adult shoebox sized, however it's amazing what you can fit into it...

At the top of the box we had some inspirational cards before a layer of shredded paper and then some goodies. My daughter was especially delighted when she realised there was actually a second layer of treasure hiding under there...

Baebox teen subscription box contents

Pineapple Post-it Notes, Batiste Dry Shampoo, Cocoa Butter Moisturiser, Unicorn wipes and some really cute and cool skincare products from NPW were finished off with a gorgeous carved heart paperweight.

Contents of box laid out on table

My daughter loved it all, you can see it in the photos. There was lots of whooping and 'aaaaaahhing'. It was very exciting opening the box to find out what was inside, and it was indeed a good stocking-full of goodies.

Our box was a selection of items to get an idea, and my daughter and I were both very impressed. They're cool, attractive and useful. Nice items that you'd buy to treat yourself or as gifts.

Red love heart pebble with small white love hearts decoration

As an example of a real complete box, here is what was in October's Teen BAEBOX. I feel that this represents fair value for money in product alone, but with the added bonus that you don't have to search for it all, or trek around the shops, and the 'surprise gift' factor has to make it a winner.

BAEBOX Subscription Boxes are available monthly to order now priced £16.00 for a single box, with discounts for longer subscriptions. Subscribe before the 22nd to receive that month's box - Christmas orders must be in by around 14th because of the Christmas post dates.
Find out more on the BAEBOX website.

This giveaway has ended, and entrants were asked to share their worst Christmas present in comments.
To see all of my current giveaways, please go to my Giveaways Page...


  1. My worst experience with a Christmas present was when I was about 22 and my mum bought me a vibrating back massager - the box was buzzing as I opened it and for one awful minute I thought she had got me a completely different vibrating thing.....
    Obviously she wouldn't do that and I knew that but for one awful moment that seemed to last a lifetime I was afraid to take the wrapping off!!!!

  2. Thats a hard one
    Never really asked for much as money was tight
    Usually asked for designer makeup and got market stuff that irritated my skin

  3. Maths books...though I did need them...

  4. mine was a secret santa present a duster and polish i was a cleaner at my local pub and i was useless at dusting

  5. perfume called "da bomb" i was an off vanilla smell that lingered for day after one spritz, oh it was nasty.

  6. I one received a bottle of Sanex and a load of junk from my Gran one Christmas, almost as if she raided her cupboard! Although presents from my Mother in LAW were always questionable!

  7. This is a great idea I know my daughter would love it!

  8. a radiator key wrapped in a ring box from my OH - git!

  9. a pair of musicaly thongs from my sister ... vile

  10. My grandad once wrapped up his old slippers that had a hole in the toe and gave them to me on Christmas Day as a joke present. I must have been about 9 or 10!

  11. Blue zip up bootie slippers, which i called Mrs Mangle slippers at the time (as I watcherd Neighbours!)

  12. Stretch gloves to fit all..... but the were toddlers.

  13. I once got 6 mugs as an adult they weren't even nice mugs! As a teen I think the worse gift was clothes as it was the only time I got new ones and not hand me downs!

  14. the worst one's where clothes from my mom---things that someone really old would wear. Like big sweatshirts with kittens on them and elasticated waist trousers :(

  15. I once recevied a hand knitted jumper - and had to change my face!

  16. I am one of three brothers, when we in our early teens our ageing grandmother sent a brown paper bag to share between us. I suspect she meant to send some cash but never mind.

  17. a towel, as a kid I can remember being bemused as to why on earth I would want or need a new towel?!

  18. Knickers, opening them in front of everyone how embarrassing as a teenager

  19. Black Lacey bodysuit from my now mother-in-law when my DH & I were dating!! Not even certain it was new!! She does have a habit of regifting 😉

  20. Socks! come on, where's the imagination in that?!!

  21. A new school bag, something that should have been bought in general, NOT for CHRISTMAS!

  22. I desperately wanted Disneys Beauty and the Beast on VHS as a chikd. My mum got me a rubbish copy i was gutted.

  23. The same year you got the lip balm, I bought, paid for and wrapped a dressing gown from the same person, and was expected to smile nicely when presented with the gift.

  24. The worst was a Chip-pan

  25. My husbands family have a cruel tradition of wrapping up a black bag, recipient has to clean up all the wrapping paper. The first Christmas I shared with them I had no idea about the tradition, so was a bit taken aback when I was presented with a gift and did all the "oh, you shouldn't have" etc. Very embarrassing afterwards!

  26. I got a book about horoscopes...Totally not my thing.

  27. Probably the ironing board that my mother bought me one year, I already had one, she should have known x

  28. My nan once got me a diary for the year before. I can't remember the exact years but it was something like a 2004 diary for Christmas 2005. Bless her.

  29. A white, chipboard desk - I was hoping for a heavy wood antique one...with no concept of cost!

  30. oh dear I am laughing before I even type this, mine was a matey bath wash that didn't sting if you got it in your eyes & I was 15 years old lol!

  31. mine was a lavender smelly set including hand cream - I was 11

  32. To be-honest did not get items that I did not want if I had to say a mug with my name on it.

  33. I was given a box of tampax one year as my Dad didnt look what he got out the bag that Mum gave him and wrapped it up without blinking an eye !!

  34. AT the time i was about 8 and such a tomboy i was horrified when my nan brought me a barbie doll!

  35. A cook book ....I dont cook!! lol

  36. A book aimed at a young child when I was 18...

  37. I was (and still am) really into rock music, so my mum and dad bought me a leather jacket. It's a bit like a bikers jacket. I loved it. I still have it in my wardrobe now, though I doubt it still fits lol.

  38. I have been pretty lucky actually with presents. The worst Christmas was when my daughter decided to get up before everyone and open all her xmas presents, she didn't open anyone else's though! lol

  39. My worst Christmas Present I ever had was a woollen hand made toilet roll cover with a dismembered dolls head stuck on top.

  40. a pair of men's gloves! from my mum of all people!

  41. I got an orange silk scarf from my style is hoodies, jeans and converse boots, not quite my thing!

  42. I honestly have been very lucky..I think getting chocolate when you can't eat it though is pretty rough!

  43. A big pair of sloggi briefs i was 15 at the time and got them from my boyfriends gran lol

  44. I was given a fishing diary that they had received as a freebie!

  45. When I was 12 my gran got me a doll with hair accessories (hair rollers etc) me and my mum just looked at each other and I kindly thanked her lol

  46. My brother put a Boots voucher in a jewellery box,It was a slight disappointment

  47. When I was 13 my Grandad bought me a colouring book

  48. A hand knitted jumper and yes I was only a teenager!

  49. I got a mobile phone in the days when they were rare. I wqas quite underwhelmed and I'm still not interested in phones.

  50. a toilet roll with holly on it form a sister in law

  51. A photo shoot expired voucher.

  52. For myself it had to be a jacket which i thought was horrible but had to wear it for a week

  53. a record player that had a toy big bird that spinned in the middle x

  54. Deodorant! Great for a teenagers paranoia and self esteem, ha ha!

  55. A dress that had a horrible pattern on it

  56. I cant remember any gifts from when I was a teen. Our family never went over board with gifts, but there was a lot of love and fun with everyone around on Christmas day.

  57. I've had some pretty awful clothes

  58. when I was younger I wanted a tape recorder that you could carry around, most of my mates had one I cant remember the I did get one as my main gift but it was so posh I wasent allowed to take it out the house,It was not the cheap one I had asked for ..I was gutted

  59. A pair of silky satin pjs that was 4 sizes too big for me & they weren't new! xo

  60. I was 15 and my Grandmother gave me some TMNT earrings and a matching mug

  61. I think I got a shell suit one year. Fabulous at the time but looking back at the photos... Awful!

  62. yellow sailing wellies - I didnt have a boat!!!

  63. A pink floral skirt from my Grandparents - unfortunately for me it was near to my Hamster cage and got eaten!

  64. A pair of bright blue legwarmers with red and yellow tassels, about 2 years after leg warmers went out of fashion

  65. When I was 14 my nan bought me a bin with barbie on it. I was horrified and so embarrassed.

  66. a101 dalmation hat and scarfset i was 18

  67. We all have our individual answers, though as for My worst experience was when I got a card that said "Santa ran out of the good gifts..... they have gone to the better boys and girls on his list!" and in the inside was 2 pennies - on the on the other side was a message that is hand written, it said: I thought since you're good in math; you can make 'cents' out of this...

    Obviously one would possibly find it funny but for once I was more sad then when I learned of the financial struggles my single-mother went through raising us children, each with a disability - without getting a dime of the child support she was supposed to get!

  68. A pack of massive pants when was 16

  69. I can't think of anything I haven't really liked or appreciated - I'm easy to please!

  70. Hmmm, I appreciated most of my presents - possibly the set of Peter Rabbit books when I thought I was much too old for that!

  71. My worst present was 3 packets of sticky notes

  72. My worst ever was a carrier bag! Yes, seriously, a carrier bag! Wrapped up and everything! You know when you place an order online from a very well known sports shop, they normally include one of their carrier bags, a drawstring type bag, well I had that, wrapped up in wrapping paper - and it wasn't a joke! I was far from impressed!

  73. My Nan bought me Charlie perfume as a teen it smelt horrible!!

  74. My worst one has to be the porcelain dolls 🎎 they were okay at first till I kept getting one every year they got scary!

  75. Tea towels...I mean Tea towels...Really ? Hahaha

  76. A cheap plastic pencil case - the worst bit was the same person had given me exactly the same thing for my birthday 6 months previously!

  77. Wasn't that long ago but my sister decided NOT to buy me anything. I had to sit on Christmas Day and watch everyone else open their presaents. The day after Boxing Day she managed to buy me a present - a calendar of a football team. I have supported the same team for 30 years and the calendar wasn't even theirs. :(

  78. mine was denture glue and i dont and never had had dentures lol

  79. I asked for a cd player when I was 15 (1996), What I got was a record player, with some vinyl from the 70s

  80. Pink Barbie PJ's when I was about 13 from my nan :)

  81. My nan would always knit me the worst jumpers for christmas, I'd never ever wear them anywhere!

  82. A really vile long length fleece jumper with cats on, My Grandma got it for me and I had to war it every time she visited LOL

  83. I got a spice girls puffa jacket that looked like it was made of plastic! I put it on to show my thanks and suddenly my dad grabbed me a ripped it off, I was sat by the old style gas fire and the arm of the coat was melting! :O

  84. A yellow towel from my aunt and uncle, could not understand why when we had lot so towels!

  85. ive never had a horrible present!!

  86. A pair of embarrising

  87. I liked most of them really, except my bin - that was weird


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!