Friday 19 July 2013

Meningitis Day 9 - Plodding on nicely...

I didn't post yesterday because I didn't really have anything to report, and I don't really today, I just don't want anyone thinking that it's all gone wrong. It hasn't, it's all going right.

His temperature is a lot more stable (in spite of the steaming hot weather) and his leg pain has eased off, although his head feels worse. He's no longer so bothered  about his Lumbar Puncture and the pain in his back. He hasn't slurred his words at all today, although he has slept a great deal over the last 2 days, so hopefully preventing him becoming over-tired will continue to solve that issue whenever possible.

We're all returning to a level of normality, having proper meals and the kids are getting into trouble for kid stuff again, rather than getting away with it. We're back up-to-date with the washing and the house looks almost habitable - well, as long as you don't go in the living room....

I have found this all very hard, I shan't lie. It can be a hell of a job looking after 6 or 7 children (depending who is here that day) any time, and after the elation of  Day 7 and the result we needed to hear, there had to be a dip. Yesterday I was really quite tearful at times and had absolutely no patience. So far he feels worst in the mornings and it's always a disappointment to wake up and find him not quite as good as he was the night before when I went to sleep. The kids all have their own issues and problems to deal with and the house needs to keep running. I had to remember who was going to school in non-uniform, and who needed lunch money for a school trip. It all seemed a bit too much yesterday.... Today though, I'm strong again. I even calmly chastised someone for driving along the pavement next to my 3 year old, rather than just getting quietly annoyed or very loudly angry....

I won't post every day, it'd bore the pants off you, but I'll continue to post whenever anything interesting happens. Fingers well and truly crossed that it doesn't get quite as exciting as last week ever again....


  1. Happy to read that the temp is stabilising. Good news that. X

    1. It certainly is, although he's been the only person comfortable in this heat because of his high temperature! :D x

  2. Goodness Jenny, I had no idea you were going through this. I've just been reading back on your posts. You sound like you've been incredible. Good news the temperature is stable, you must be relieved after last week which must have been terrifying x

    1. That's very kind. Really I'm held together with bits of tape and staples... :D
      We are incredibly relieved, and I can go to Blog On! Yeeay!

  3. Oh goodness I'm just catching up. How horrible - we always fear meningitis with the children, not adults, so it must have been a shock. Thank goodness he's on the mend.

    1. It was a shock, I thought of it loads of times and dismised it because it seemed so improbable. Shows it can happen to anyone. Thank you hon - see you tomorrow :)

  4. Glad things are starting to look up - you will have to try and take it easy tomorrow at Blog On and let us all look after you before you have to get back to it on Monday xx

    1. Monday!! The minute I walk back in the door on Sunday! :D
      Thanks Tami x


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