Friday 5 July 2013

Watching The Children Getting Older

There are two ways to read that title.

I AM definitely getting older, some days I feel like I might fall apart. I have a hernia and grey hair and wrinkles, but that's just what you can see. I'm definitely older in mind too.

My children are getting older, all of them. This morning I packed Boy no.3 off on his first ever school trip to a farm.....

And 2 hours later boy no.1 left for The Beat-Herder Festival...

They're all moving on.

This year sees a lot of big landmarks and September is a big step for several of our children.

Boy no.1 has now left College and is awaiting his results to see where his road is going to take him in September.

Our two 15 year olds will enter their final year of High School and take their GCSE's

Boy no.3 will start Primary School

Boy no.4 will start Pre-School (Nursery)

And I'll have no babies left at home!

I've seen a lot of 'moving on' blog posts recently and I think the imminent holiday is the cause, but it really feels like we'll all be taking a really big step in my house. It's going to be an exciting and fairly scary year, but fortunately, as Mary Steenburgen says in Parenthood, "I happen to like the roller coaster"....

What boy no.3 looked like after his trip to the farm....

A true likeness of what boy no.1 looked like after last years trip to Beat-Herder..... I'm NOT picking him up in my van this year!

(Photo credit to Beat-Herder Official Photography)


  1. I'm feeling it this year too. Ok so I only have 1 to worry about, but we are going from infant to Jnr school in September and it doesn't seem possible! Then next week is his first Cub camp, a whole weekend and I think he might come back like picture No2

    1. Hahaha...good luck! I remember boy no.1 going off to his first scout camp - you spend the weekend worrying about them and they haven't thought of you once! :) x

  2. Awwww what lovely photos! I am feeling a bit emotional about Boy Z starting school in September - the beginning of a new era for us. No babies at home eh? Just think of all the wonderful things you can do!!! (I sooooo won't be thinking that when my time comes) x

    1. I keep wondering if I'll be able to do anything extra, or if I'll just do exactly the same but without a 3 year old hanging off me! I might get everything done superquick and actually be able to go to bed at a decent hour too....*fingers crossed*

  3. I think you always think of the growing up things at this time of year. Hope your eldest had a nice time at the festival.

    1. He'snot back until tomorrow. I'm resisting the urge to ring and check he's okay :P

      (I'm still not going to pick him up after what he looked like last year though!)

  4. Big changes for you, thankfully none in this house for a couple of years

    1. It will be weird. I can't imagine having 2 1/2 hours without anyone there to harass me! I might even get to bed at a decent hour :D

  5. Somehow I missed this post in my stalking of your blog. It's such a time for reflection isn't it? We have big changes ahead with Bud starting pre-school in September. I may need you to talk me down when I leave him for the first time!


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