Tuesday 25 February 2014

Who are better talkers - men or women? The Andrex Washlets Challenge.

When Tots 100 asked for people to take part in a game of Taboo live online I didn't apply at first because I thought maybe asking someone recovering from a brain injury to participate may be a weeny bit unfair on my partner, but as they had a severe shortage of male victims, sorry, volunteers, I asked him and he was happy to do it, so let battle commence....

I think we did really well! We aren't going to win a prize but we put up an effort we can be proud of. It was loads of fun and this sort of game is brilliant for exercising your brain, we should probably play it more often. Only maybe not on camera next time....

The point of the exercise is to highlight the fact that in a survey of 2000 British folk by Andrex, 47% of people shy away from talking about difficult subjects, with women more likely to discuss difficult or embarrassing topics, and everyone happier to talk about mental health and sex than toilet habits.

It often seems with small children that we discuss what comes out of their bodies as often as we talk about what goes in, but as soon as they aren't toddlers any more it becomes far more embarrassing and is left in private behind the toilet door.

I think in our house the grown ups have gone way past being embarrassed, and the teenagers have had to put up with the two little ones pooing on the carpet and sharing every detail of their last visit, so we're probably a bit less bothered than most families. In fact the males and females are all pretty unflustered, but even so, I'm not certain I could rely on them to tell me if they thought there was an issue.

Gut health is an indicator of a huge range of problems, from the commonplace food poisoning, dehydration or Threadworms to Appendicitis, Crohn's and Bowel Cancer. It is something we shouldn't be afraid or embarrassed to talk about - we do all have to go to the loo after all...

Thanks to Andrex Washlets and Tots 100 for giving us the laugh! 


  1. Hahah that's fab! I wear it all the time and you shout at me LOL! That looks like a fun activity. We're pretty open in our house, we talk about all sorts of stuff.

    1. Hahaha...coats are for outdoors!! :D
      It was a lot of fun, it really was - the minute goes super fast though!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! Everything gets spoken about in our house at the moment but perhaps the children might get more embarrassed as they get older!

    1. Perhaps? You know it. Those teenage years are very sensitive, it's a parent's job to discuss things and show you don't need to be embarrassed.... :p

  3. I think you both did really well, we had great fun doing ours.

    1. Cheers hon! It was a brilliant laugh watching all the videos :D

  4. It was fun wasn't it!! you did well too all things considered!

    1. Great fun, and thank you! I think we have to do it some more - it's good brain exercise :D


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