Friday 24 April 2015

Sly Stallone in Bolton....

Yep, it's true. I knew it was true a long while ago because friends told us they had seen Sly Stallone running up and down the Town Hall steps in Bolton City Centre. I did question it "Are you sure it was him?" "Why would Sylvester Stallone be in Bolton, apparently doing a re-enactment of his own scene from Rocky?" The answer is now was Warburton's fault.

Sly Stallone in Bolton for Warburtons Bread advert

To celebrate their new star-studded (well, Sly at least) advert, Warburtons sent me a lovely hamper of goodies. 2 loaves of bread, a bakers hat, oven gloves and a t-shirt bearing the slogan "I love Bolton". We had a bit of fun with the contents. Here's our oldest lad - do not ask me how I managed to take this photograph, I still can't believe it happened (maybe the shades make up for the I Love Bolton shirt). 

Dressed as Sylvester Stallone in the UK Warburtons bakery ad

The contents of the hamper made little sense to us until we'd seen who the celebrity was, and what he was up to....then we got it, and frankly it's hilarious....

At least one member of our family was delighted to dress up 'like the man in the advert', although I don't think the Rocky references are anything he'll understand for a good few years yet...

I love Bolton t shirt like Sly Stallone in Warburtons advert

We don't mind Bolton, but to say we love it may be a lie. We live in North Manchester, but not actually in Bolton. I support Warburtons because we buy the advert is ace.....and also the hamper....


  1. The team at Warburtons sound like a great bunch! Your son is going to hate that photo forever ;) x

    1. Hahaha, I know! It's okay, I already put it on Facebook so his friends have seen it :D


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