Friday 30 March 2018

Stealth Untamed Raptor from Fingerlings: Animated Dinosaur review! (5+)

Fingerlings are awesome, but Fingerlings have evolved and Untamed Raptors have an extra, more ferocious dimension. They caught my attention and will appeal to a huge range of children - they're dinosaurs! We've been sent Stealth to review and he doesn't disappoint.

Your Velociraptor takes a couple of minutes to open, and you may benefit from scissors because he's held in place by a plastic band around his body. Batteries are included, so once unleashed he's ready to go - just switch him on!

He makes 40 different sounds and he really does vary what he says - no repeating an obvious pattern or making the same noise over and over. His voice isn't really what makes him special though. It's his animation...

Just like their predecessors, the Untamed Raptors turn their heads and open their mouths. They blink and close their eyes. They'll move all by themselves, but they'll also respond to you stroking their head or nose, and to your voice when you talk. It makes them incredibly cute and they really seem to have a personality.

They are a handy size for a child's hand and quite heavy, so in Fingerling style they also cling onto your finger. They sit there very naturally and I find it quite comfortable, I can imagine some children having them on their finger for hours.

At first they hold on quite hard, but they get a little looser once they aren't brand new. They are designed to fit best on smaller fingers, but make sure they aren't holding your knuckles or it'll not be comfortable.

The Untamed Raptor is great. He's very cute and feels like he has character. He seems to giggle when we lie him down and complains when everyone is being shouty. Getting a response when you stroke the back of his head or his nose really makes him seem like he likes it...

Untamed Raptors from Fingerlings are available to buy now priced £16.99rrp. There are four available - Stealth, Fury, Blaze and Razor. Suitable for age 6+, they are bound to be incredibly popular. 

Available at all good toy shops, including online from Amazon (*affiliate link) - be careful to avoid poor imitations.

We were sent our Untamed Raptor for review. Amazon affiliate links earn me a few pennies if you buy through my link, but you never pay any extra. It all goes into the pot to pay for the blog, or help feed the cat. One of those. 

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