Wednesday 20 March 2019

Philly & Friends: Who Do I See In The Mirror? Children's Book Review and Giveaway (18m+) (Sent for review).

The latest book we've been sent to review is really a picture book and is suitable for reading together from 18 months to around 7 years or older. Philly & Friends: Who Do I See In The Mirror? is the debut book by author and Mum Vese Aghoghovbia Aladewolu and is beautifully illustrated by Irene Omiunu.

I don't usually review books which are a bit young for my children, but on this occasion I've made an exception because not only am I friends with the PR, but as soon as I heard the content, I thought it sounded like exactly what youngsters in today's world need...

Who Do I See In The Mirror? follows a young girl doing everyday activities. As she goes through her day, she notices parts of herself and comments on them. Everything is positive, "I love my full lips", " I love my curly hair". She knows that she is also amazing inside her heart and mind, and she can see just how beautiful she really is.

Young people today are completely surrounded by photoshopped imagery, photos and social media. They develop an idea of beauty which aims for a specific physical type, something that we are told is beautiful. It isn't real, it can never be achieved by anyone for more than 5 minutes and it sets everyone up to fail.

There are a million or more different ways that beauty exists. Teaching our children to see real beauty, inside and out, is much more realistic and so much better for everyone's mental health. We should start sharing that message when they are very young, to give them the confidence to survive as adults in this world and the ability to love being the person they are.

At the back of the book is a certificate for the child to complete, for being unique and the best you that there is. A message which we should all remind ourselves of regularly.

I love this book and I wish I'd been able to read it to all of my children when they were young. It's bright and colourful and the illustrations have ordinary settings that any child will recognise. It's refreshingly positive and even as an adult I read it and smiled.

Philly And Friends is written by Vese Aghoghovbia Aladewolu and illustrated by Irene Omiunu, and for each copy sold, a book is donated to children in Africa. Available now in hardback with 28 colour pages. Rrp £10 from Amazon or from the Philly & Friends website, where you can also find out more about the book and the author.

Here's my *Amazon affiliate link:

Author Vese Aghoghovbia Aladewolu has kindly offered a copy of Philly & Friends: Who Do I See In The Mirror? for one of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is via Gleam form below and although no entry is mandatory, for each task you perform you will earn extra entries into the random draw at the end of the sweepstake.

The giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 21st April and is open to UK entrants only. For a link to help with Gleam forms or to see my other UK giveaways, please go to my UK Giveaways Page...

Philly & Friends: Who Do I See In The Mirror? Children's Book Giveaway 18m+

We were sent our copy of Who Do I See In The Mirror? for review. *Amazon links are affiliate, in order that I can continue to support new authors by not charging them for posts, but I can still feed the cat. I earn a few pence if you buy through my link, but you don't ever pay any extra.


  1. Positivity - there's always something beautiful to see - I always find something nice to say about everything

  2. I love my positivity about things

  3. My eyes, I really love the bluey grey colour

  4. My smile, especially looking at my children i can't control it x

  5. My sense of humour

  6. Natalie burgess28 March 2019 at 10:28

    That I can laugh at things even when they go wrong xx

  7. My son would love this book! I like my hair

  8. I love my green eyes 😊

  9. I love my eyes which are a strong blue colour and I love that I always try to be kind.

  10. I like that my body may not be perfect but it created 2 perfect little ones!

  11. Coping mechanism / skill I tend to rely on :- " Rosy Coloured Spectacles". Has seen me through difficult times. When others have been overbearing and distracting by Bossy, Authoratative, Hierarchial, Belittling means :- Steered me away from such coping method. Has taken time to get away from them, and back on track with "Rosy Coloured Spectacles".

    Now I tend to try explaining need for this coping mechanism :- By reminding people that during the 2nd World War people coped the best they could. They did not watch war films (dwell on negative situation, ruminate, etc). They instead distracted themselves when they could, by watching films such as musicals, etc.

    Rachel Craig

  12. That I save poorly hedgehog's lives.

  13. I love the fact that I am far more confident than I was as a teenager and do not care what others think of me now I am older


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