Monday 12 June 2017

The Vegetarian Society Approved Vegan Trademark Launch

On Thursday last week, to take our minds off the General Election, the Vegetarian Society invited a small group of bloggers to their Cookery School in Altrincham, Manchester. We were there as part of the launch of the Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark to support the highly successful Vegetarian Society Approved trademark.

I was well aware of the Vegetarian Society and it's charity status because I joined when I was a teenager. I also knew where the Cookery School was because I've been past several times. In fact, when we reviewed Ayuda House B&B and drove past, I actually said "I'd love to go to one of their classes". My wish has been granted.

I actually didn't know it when I arrived, but we were taught the Vegan Toolkit Course and you should look at my review because it was awesome.

The real reason for us being there though was the new Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark. It was very hard work to be vegetarian back in 1985 when I gave up meat as a teenager, so the Vegetarian Society Approved trademark has been a friend of mine for 32 years. It makes it far easier to spot food and other products that really are vegetarian and is as useful to non-vegetarians who are cooking for veggies as it is for veggies themselves.

To be awarded the new Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark products and establishments will need to meet the following strict criteria:

•Free from animal-derived ingredients
•Free from cross-contamination during production
•Free from GMOs
•Free from animal testing either directly or via commissioned processes

The Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark will have the advantage of being independently checked and products which are given the trademark will also be actively promoted by the Vegetarian Society.

The trademark won't only be used for food, vegan restaurants, cafes and other eateries can apply, as can non-food products such as footwear and cosmetics, although the main places we'll see it will be on packaged produce. I was given an example bag of vegan products to take home and I can't deny I was really delighted to find MuLondon Organic Face Cream and Good Hemp. We're already big fans of Good Hemp.

The Vegetarian Society will be at the Just V Show at Olympia in London 7-9th July to answer all of your questions and share information - you can claim free tickets to the Just V Show via the Vegetarian Society website.

I was treated to my day at The Vegetarian Society Cookery School and my expenses for time and travel paid. Thanks to the Vegetarian Society for use of some of these photos. 


  1. That looks like a lot of fun. I would love to go to cookery school x

    1. It was a dream come true. I have so many photos to sift through - and they're all really smiley! I can't believe how much I learned :D

  2. Lovely stuff! I hope you had fun at the event. Enjoy your goodies and your MuLondon moisturiser! 💚

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! I had an awesome time - it really was a fabulous day. I love the moisturiser, it's incredibly creamy but sinks in instantly, it's perfect for before I go on the school run in this wind! :)


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