Saturday 15 July 2017

#TBCSmiles 35 Months

Summer is here! Or was here....or at least popped by... There are loads of awesome sunshiney photos among this month's #TBCSmiles, plus it's awards season and so many graduations and trophies - well done to all of you. Well done to everyone who did something to be proud of.

We did things to be proud of, including a day out in Blackpool where we actually relaxed - for the first time in years no-one cried, no-one had a tantrum and no-one wanted to go home early (I'm mainly talking about the grown-ups). It's actually quite scary to have less to worry about. You have to try hard not to fret over the 'nothings' instead.

We finally booked the Canvas Holiday that I won at BlogOn Conference last year. I'm almost embarrassed to say we have worried over that for 10 months. You can't pick what you are scared of, and it turns out for us it's 'the future' and 'letting people down'. It's been hopeless to even imagine looking ahead, and took a ridiculous amount of effort. So much so that I wrote my Survivors post afterwards. We all say the word 'survivor' as if it means that person has moved on, their event is over, but it will mean far more to them for the rest of forever, and in ways you simply can't imagine until they occur...

The UK seemed a dangerous and scary place in May and June, and the breakneck speed at which we seemed to be hurtling towards dystopia was very unsettling. Thankfully people for the most part are still pulling together, not breaking apart. Humanity is winning. I hope your world feels more peaceful and less scary too.

I really, really struggled with choosing this month's brightest smiles, and even in the end we grinned stared at 14 of them for hours before deciding. Thank you to every single person who takes part. It's been amazing just how many of them were outdoors this month - fingers crossed we have some more of this weather over Summer!

These gorgeous smiles were courtesy of the following instagrammers:

Anyone is welcome to join in, just use the hashtag #TBCSmiles on any photo with a smile.

I collected my family's smiles too and this month I had a rare day trip alone with my 17 year old, to visit Sheffield University. We also had a brilliant day out in astounding 26 degree heat in Sunny Blackpool, and generally made the most of the weather, spending loads of time outdoors....and of course date night at the Adult LEGO Evening....

If you've used the hashtag by accident and don't want me to share your photo please let me know and I'll remove it! 9 of the brightest smiles are shared here and on Instagram every 15th of the month. A scroll through the hashtag on Instagram really can make anyone grin...

The smiles that we help create are the reason and the reminder why we carry on. Every single one makes it worthwhile... If you don't already know why we collect our smiles, you can find out here...

Your smiles are always there, if you don't believe me, then count - the more you see, the more you will find.


  1. Awww lots of lovely smiles this month... especially from you guys! You totally needed the Blackpool trip, it has done you the world of good... because you have finally gone on to book the holiday! Yey! You are going to have the most awesome time! :) Sim xx

    1.'s all the thinking about it and fretting that's so hard. Doing it always turns out to be the easy bit :P xx

  2. I do love these posts so much. They do make me smile and you will have the best time ever on holiday. Just adorable photos x

    1. They are really a joy to go through. I always have a sore face from grinning :D The kids know I can't be grumpy on Smiles day xx


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