Sunday 18 February 2018

Spot The LEGO Ninjago Ninja! at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre

What better for a Sunday morning than a swift game of 'Where's The Ninja'? We were guests of Warner Bros at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre last Thursday evening for a special event to promote the release of The LEGO Ninjago Movie on DVD and Digital Download, and my partner saw his opportunity to have a bit of a photobomb chuckle.

There's a Ninja in every photo - some are more obvious than others and some are hilariously photoshopped in because we just weren't as organised as we gave ourselves credit for. The Ninja is blue and made from DUPLO. We'll start easy...

This is really not hard, but as with all good 'spot the character' puzzles, the answers are upside down at the bottom of the page. If you are using a desktop PC, I'd suggest turning your head rather than the screen... no cheating now!

We have a collection of LEGO Ninjago Temples and toys, and 5 Dragons because my 9 year old has asked for one each of the last 5 birthdays - just in case LEGOLAND don't know what to do with this guy when they change the display...

You can make your own stop-motion videos at the Discovery Centre now - unfortunately we didn't have time, but what a great addition to the activities and rides.

This is my favourite hiding place... You can see Kai the Red Ninja in the background as well...

Two Ninjas in this photo too! It's Jake Frood - he took the record as the UK's Youngest Black Belt when he was only 5 years old, and he was the star of the evening - smashing planks with his bare hands and feet and giving all the children an introductory Ninja lesson...

This is the last photo of our Ninja, possibly the hardest to spot and this is where we left him. If anyone visits - let us know if he's still there!

Our evening at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre, Trafford Park, Manchester was as guests of Warner Bros to promote the release of the LEGO Ninjago Movie on DVD and Digital Download. Find out more and book tickets on the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Manchester website.

Here are the answers...although I doubt anyone will need them.

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