Thursday 19 April 2018

Pal App. review - Find the people you need to fill your life.

The people behind Pal have asked me to take a look and write about their app. Pal is a free app which enables you to meet people, make new friends and join in with or create activities and events. A tool for locating like-minded people within your local area, it can be useful to anyone.

Pal isn't like other apps for meeting people. You can use Pal to find new friends, discover what's happening near to you, gather teammates or exercise partners, fill your coffee morning with new faces, the list really is endless.

Pal is about finding people. We all need other people and more of us than ever before move away from family and the friends we grew up with. Today's world can often seem quite hostile and sceptical, neighbours may not be around or may want to keep to themselves. Workmates work long hours and family time is precious. It can be hard to find people like yourself to share part of your day with. Pal is designed to care of that.

You can use Pal by yourself, as a couple or as part of a group, and you can search for the same. If your Chess Club needs another recruit you can look for one, or you can be an individual looking for a Cricket team short of players. You can put out a search for band members, other young parents, someone to go to the cinema or jog with. You can even see if anyone local fancies learning a new language with you...

It's easy to create any activity you like and then people searching for it within the area will be able to see your entry and respond. Likewise, you can search for an activity - in my case Mums Meet Up would have been handy 11 years ago when I moved to Manchester. I knew no-one except my partner and his children, and we had no relatives here. The school playground was full of established friendship groups and I had no idea what was happening in and around my local area. Once I had a baby I was able to ask around for local activities, but even that was tricky as most toddler groups and meet ups are still passed on by word-of-mouth. I'd have really benefitted from local knowledge, and if I'm brutally honest, someone to have a coffee and chat with.

You don't have to move into an area to want to learn about it. Pal allows you to direct questions to people local to you wherever you are - so you can use it when travelling or on holiday. Find your usual groups or exercise sessions so you don't miss out while you are away, and pick up a bit of local knowledge. "Which is the best parking for the town centre" and "Is there a park to eat a picnic lunch" are answers I'd have appreciated from a local many times when visiting other towns and cities.

Because the app. is new, the users are a bit limited as yet, but as more people come on board, that will obviously change. Here's a quick video showing how it works...

The uses for Pal are many, and the app is free, so you really don't have anything to lose. Setting up your profile takes only a couple of minutes and it's very intuitive and easy to use. I found it very simple to navigate and I can see that it really can have a multitude of uses for all kinds of people. I actually think it would be of great use to retired people, who may live alone and lack the opportunity to socialise very often.

You can download Pal for free on Android or IOS.
Find out more on the Pal App. website.

I was paid for the time taken to review the Pal App and write this post.

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