Monday 28 October 2019

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Review (age 6+) Sent by Wow! Stuff

I couldn't turn down a review of Harry Potter's fabulous Invisibility Cloak. Made by Wow! Stuff and recommended for age 6+, this is a cloak with a trick. It can make anyone, or anything, invisible using a smartphone or tablet and the supporting app.

Wow! Stuff Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Review box shot

I was a bit worried we might not be able to find it, but inside the box is a fully visible Invisibility Cloak, plus phone stand and instructions.

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Review box contents cloak phone stand instructions

The phone stand is really pretty cool - it's nicely made, massively adjustable for angle and sits on little rubber feet, so it won't slip. It is designed for selfie view and needs to be placed low down - coffee table height.

Wow! Stuff Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Review phone stand

At 139.7cm long, the cloak is full size for an adult and has plenty of fabric for swooshing around yourself. It's made from two layers of fabric - the patterned outer feels a little rough, but the print is dyed and it's soft.

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak printed fabric

The colour is amazing, and the Invisibility Cloak has authentic patterning just like the genuine article in the films. There is lots to spot and it is very magical. The green lining fabric feels silky and soft and cool. The cloak has a nice simple hook and eye fastening at the neckline.

Harry Potter Cloak of invisibility review neckline fastening

It's that green lining which makes the magic, as the free accompanying app. can make it disappear - just like green screen in the movies. The patterned side is actually not bad at disappearing with really good light behind it too!

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak patterned side also invisible boy invisible

The app. downloads really quickly and you create an account before typing in the Product Authentication Code for your cloak (on the front of your instructions). You can register the same item with up to 3 devices, so you won't need to hand your phone over to the kids, but you can't just let everyone add it to their Wow! Stuff account.

When you open the app. the magic begins. The camera will disregard anything it sees as green - so remember that when you choose your outfit to wear with the cape - or you'll still be a floating head!

Here are my boys with their first afternoon's play, so this is what bigger kids can achieve, even without your help... although we couldn't resist joining in...

It's a brilliant thing to play with for anyone, but especially Harry Potter or magic fans, or anyone interested in movie-making. There is so much scope available and you can create some really clever effects very easily.

Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak  in action boy invisible

The Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak is developed by Wow! Stuff in collaboration with Warner Bros. Consumer Products, and is available now from toy shops instore and online for £49.99rrp. At the time of typing reduced to £39.99 in Smyths.  

The Invisibility Cloak first appeared in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (the first Harry Potter book). The Harry Potter books are a great introduction to reading 'proper novels' for children aged 7-9 or above, and are progressively longer reads. You can find or order all of the Harry Potter series in all good bookshops, including online at Amazon (affiliate links below).

We were sent our Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak for review. Amazon links are affiliate, which earns me a few pennies Knuts as a thank you if you order through my link, but you never pay a penny more. 


  1. It really is awesome, I had so much fun playing around with it earlier! I managed to try it without getting into mischief too! ;) Sim x

  2. That looks like it's a lot of fun and how cool to see if work xx

  3. Any help I lost my authentication code

    1. Hiya Dean - it's on the front of your Instruction Manual, so if it's in the paper recycling grab it out quick. If you have definitely lost it beyond all saving, you'll have to get in touch with Wow Stuff and speak to them. If you scroll down this page, a 'Contact Me' link comes up at the top - I hope you sort it out!

    2. My name is Tasha Korus myl child accidentally threw out the code to the invisibility cloak we bought her is there anything I can do to get another one.

    3. Hiya Tasha - I have the same advice as the previous person, I'm so sorry I can't help you myself. You will have to email WowStuff and ask them. They have a 'contact me' form on their website, the address is above. Best of luck!

  4. Purchased invisibility cloak and phone instruction booklet was missing?

    1. Hiya - you'll have to get in touch with Wow Stuff and see if they can help you, or if you bought it from a shop and have your receipt, take it back and explain it's incomplete. Best of luck with a quick solution.

  5. I was wondering how much play it gets after the initial "WOW" wears off, or is it mostly a one time thing?

    1. We've had it out a few times, but mostly when one of the kids has decided to wear it for a fancy dress or to play, and then we start messing around with the app. again. It is a lovely cape, but if your child isn't a fan of 'dressing up' then it's not going to get loads of use.

  6. Hi. Bought second hand invisibility cloak, code has been used is there anything I can do? Lady has offered refund but the young lady who's having it is really going to want it. Thanks

    1. Hiya, get in touch with Wow Stuff - I can't help you, but maybe they can?

  7. Hi,my daughter got this for x-mas, today she wanted to try it, bit the code is missing, can I get a new one somewhere?

    1. Hiya, the code is on the front of the instruction booklet. If it hasn't been thrown away or recycled then hooray! If it's gone, then all I can suggest is that you contact Wow Stuff in your country -


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