Tuesday 20 August 2013

"I've Got A Stick"

In August 2009 we brought all 6 of our children up to Scotland to stay with my partner's parents on their farm. They learnt to ride ponies and had bonfires and played in the woods and had a fantastic time.

Our youngest at the time was very nearly 1, and I posted this picture on Facebook with the description "I've got a stick". 

Almost exactly 4 years later and we're here again. We've been up several times over the past 4 years, and now it's the youngest 2 riding the Shetland ponies and the bigger ones who go and do their own thing, or in the case of the biggest don't even come because they're at work and back at home!

I took this photo today in almost exactly the same spot. The trees have grown and matured, the baby is about to start school and has a 3 year old little brother and it's clear that time has passed. One thing remains very much the same though. I can still label this photo "I've got a stick", because a very nearly 5 year old boy playing in the woods with his Dad and running about with a stick is just as happy as a very nearly 1 year old....

Linking with Podcast's "What's The Story".....


  1. can't beat a good stick to play with!!
    you should continue to recreate this picture, the final result of them all would be cracking!

    1. I think you're right - although I don't think it'll be many years before my other half doesn't want boy no.3 on his shoulders any more! :D

  2. It sounds incredible there, I hope you had the most wonderful time! What a brilliant idea recreating the photo, amazing! Thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

    1. We did have a wonderful time and it is truly wonderful there, it's a gorgeous wood. Thank you Charly :)

  3. That's so lovely Jenny, I think comparison photos are wonderful, as so glad to see the OH out and about.

    1. It is great to see him out and about, although he only lifted boy no.3 up for the photo! :D
      Thanks Mary :)

  4. I love both photos, there's something fascinating about sticks for little boys. It's magic!


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