Saturday 28 September 2013

Fighting Gender Norms With Birthday Cake

We've always encouraged our children to be whoever they want to be. As long as it hurts no-one, it doesn't matter. Because there are so many of them maybe that forms a protective group. Maybe because none of us care they're given the courage and freedom to just go for it when others might hold back. Maybe they just don't care.

Boy no.3 was 5 yesterday and it's tradition in our house that the children choose their cake. I expected him to say 'chocolate' or 'carrot', but he had a very specific idea about what he wanted.

He is colour-blind, he sees no green, so his views on colours are different to other people's, but he still knows what he likes and what he finds attractive.

Was he pleased with it? I think he was....

 And what did he ask for?

He asked for "a pink and purple cake with lots of balls on the top"....

He can't see why pink is a girl's colour. He doesn't understand what the fuss is about. It's his favourite colour because to him it really stands out from all the khaki yellow. It would be so easy for him to fall into the trap of disliking it because he's told to. I'm really pleased he hasn't. 

And he had a great birthday.... it's a win.


  1. I love that cake! So cool looking :D Happy bday to him hope he has a great party

    1. Thanks Anna! He's driving me nuts at the moment because he's so excited :D

  2. Hope he had a fantastic birthday! That's a lovely cake. Z has some pink tops that he chose himself. I think let them be!

    1. He had a brilliant birthday, thank you! Definitely let them be :) x

  3. I think it's great you are encouraging them to be who they want - who cares if a boy wants a pink cake, I think it looks fab and if he loves it that's all that matters! Hope he had a great birthday x

  4. I love it. Of course he should choose what he wants. Happy birthday

  5. That is an amazing cake, glad he got the cake he wanted! Oh and I want one too! Hope he had a great day!

    1. Hahaha.....if I ever see you on your birthday or near it I will make you one :D

  6. What a fantastic cake - happy birthday to him! My friends son loves pink so much that he wears at least one pink item of clothing every day. She's had to buy lots and lots of pink socks too!

    1. son hasn't ever asked for any pink clothes, he always chooses brown if given free choice - pink socks are incredibly 80's! :D

  7. What a brilliant cake, did you make it? Looks amazing and I bet it tasted fantastic. Boy No 3 should absolutely choose his cake, I hope he had the most wonderful day. Thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

    1. I did , thank you, and it was lovely :)

      Thank you for hosting :)

  8. Fantastic cake!! And great choice of colours, pink and purple are awesome :-)

  9. As long as it's what he wants and it tastes great, which is the most important bit of course ;), who cares. Good for you and good for him :) x

    1. Thank you! It tasted okay, it was a little bit dry if I'm brutally honest, but he loved it :)
