Sunday 1 September 2013

Pigs In Pants Game by Orchard Toys


Pigs In Pants is the second of our 3 reviews of brand new Orchard Toys games for this Autumn. It is a cheeky concept whereby you start with a naked pig and your aim is to dress your pig in as many pairs of undies as you can by finding a matching card to one of the 2 you are currently holding. You can take cards from a selection on the table, or from your fellow game players. It really appeals to 4 year olds, who frankly are obsessed with anything regarding pants and think it's hilarious.

Like all Orchard Toys games and puzzles this is designed and manufactured in the UK from thick, high quality 100% recycled board. It's bright and modern, built to be played with and will last to be passed on when your child has finished with it.

This game has a recommended age range of 4+, my 3 1/2 year old had no trouble joining in, but he is used to turn-taking and playing games. It retails at a very reasonable £7.50 and is suitable for 2-4 players.

It is excellent for young children who are learning more complicated rules of game play, although can be adapted to be simpler - for example when playing with our 3 year old we didn't allow the children to take cards from each others hands, as he was frustrated by that rule and felt it wasn't fair.

It teaches turn-taking and basic game play, and the concepts of winning and losing, matching and observation skills. Because you can take a card from several sources you need to be alert and concentrate and remember to look everywhere for a match to 1 of your 2 cards in play. At the end of the game the cards are all counted to see who is the winner, and that was good for both of my boys and their counting skills.

I think the age range is right. This is a trickier game for a younger child to win because they don't pay enough attention to where all the cards are.  The subject matter is perfect for the 'infant school' age range and their humour. It's a very quick game to play and keeps the children's interest well, and the addition of the 'pigs and pants' and 'no knickers' which you shout out on your turn is a bit 'cheeky' and so hilarious for them.

My 4 year old was very pleased with this game and got the hang of  it instantly. He has chosen to play this more than any other game this last week, so it's definitely a hit. I give it 5/5 because I really can't fault it as a simple game which builds concentration and really appeals to my children.

 Orchard Toys are available direct from Orchard Toys, or if you prefer to shop offline you can find your nearest stockist on their website

We were sent this game by Orchard Toys for the purpose of review


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