Tuesday 3 September 2013

My little boys in their uniforms...

It's a daft post, but I had to share this photo because it's so sweet. We had a trial run on uniform tonight to check everything was where it should be (and thankfully I had bigger polo shirts ready because my 4 year old  couldn't get his on or off). It's the first time the little one (age 3) has worn uniform and he was very proud.

Supersweet huh. There we were cooing over them, the proud parents, but they didn't realise the flash was going to go off on the camera, and this is what the next photo looked like....

So that's what I'll dream of tonight, and the ensuing 5 minutes of them shouting at me that I 'can't ever take their photo ever again' and 'I'm a bad Mummy' and I 'shouldn't have lights on my camera'...hahaha.....but their uniform is ready at least....


  1. Aaaaaah, bless them. Hope they both have a wonderful day tomorrow. Try not to cry xxx

  2. Aww! They're adorable!
    Hope they have a fab day x

    1. Thank you! They did, they both thought it was great - doubt that'll last! :D x

  3. Cute indeed. I tend to get lots of photos on the first morning and the off cuts are often the most fun ones

    1. Thank you! And yep, I've had a few hilarious first day photo's, I don't think I've been mean enough to ever post them before :D

  4. aaaahhhh they are adorable! Hope the first day went well ;-)
    (Melanie's Fab Finds)

    1. Aww, thanks Melanie! The first day (the first 3 days) went really well, fingers crossed they don't decide they've had enough by Tuesday! :)

  5. What an adorable photo Jenny - the second one is hilarious! I hope they've enjoyed their first few days and you've been alright too. Thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

    1. Hahaha....I can't look at that second photo without laughing - that's why it's blurry, I was already starting to giggle :D
      Thanks Charly. The big one has enjoyed it, the little one still doesn't want to stay when I leave, fingers crossed for tomorrow :)

  6. Aww bless them. It's always a big deal seeing your little one in uniform for the first time... hope it all went well. The second pic is usually how mine end up lol xx #whatsthestory

    1. Hehehe..... I'm really pleased with that first one - I can't believe I caught them both smiling! :D


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