Friday 20 September 2013

Horrid Henry DVD Giveaway ~ Volume 22: Rocking The World

We've recently reviewed Horrid Henry Volume 22: Rocking The World DVD and Abbey Home Media have kindly given me 3 copies to give away to my readers.

This DVD is suitable for all ages and appeals to boys and girls alike. It is rated Universal and has a running time of approximately 66 minutes over 6 episodes from series 3. 

Entry is by Rafflecopter below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I was never horrible - ask my Mum if you don't believe me ;)

  2. No I was a good girl, but I was a bit like moody Margaret!

  3. My mum says I was really good but could be a little horrid sometimes esp with my older siblings! But they deserved it ha ha

  4. put a spider in my dads bed :)

  5. Replies
    1. Ok,well maybe I was a bit horrible to my sister at times! Just usual sibling things - and stealing her chocolates!

  6. I didn't do anything horrid I was a good girl

  7. i used to hide my grans false teeth so yes

  8. i cant think of anything i did horrid i was always brought up to be kind and share

  9. My teacher in secondary school used to whack the corner of the desk every lesson with the chalk board rubber and the desk was on like a small stage at the front of the classroom and one day i moved the desk right on the edge of the stage and as he hit it the desk fell off the stage and the whole class roared with laughter and never to this day has he found out who done it

  10. I was a little horrid to my sister but only telling tales ect

  11. yes, i tied a boy shoelace on the table leg, so he walk and fell down.
    someone put glue on my desk and I slam his face on the desk.
    and lot more!

  12. Only sometimes!

    My childhood best friends mum was a teacher and I was in her class, I knew full well she had a massive phobia of spiders so one April Fools day I placed a very large black plastic spider inside her register! Needless to say her screams could be heard in the staff room which was a hall and 3 other classes away, all the teachers came running up to find her up on the desk absolutely sobbing and screeching! I feel bad now but at the time it was so funny, I think I was about 9 years old and was encouraged to this by a (boy) friend, only me and him knew it was there and still now no one knows it was us - 19 years later! *Blush*

    1. Hahaha....a teacher should never let information like that slip out!

  13. no i was a good girldare not be anything else with the strict teachers we had in our day

  14. I was an angel ;) apart from constantly winding up my little brother x

  15. I played hairdressers with my sister and 'set' her hair with sticky buds out of the garden :/

  16. I used to fight terribly with my sister!

  17. I was teachers pet at school, but fought constantly with my sister, when at home.

  18. I was more of a Moody Margaret as a teenager I think! Hopefully I've grown out of it now though - (although my husband may disagree!!)

  19. No, I must be honest, I was a very good little girl, I only became a 'Horrid Henry' when I hit the teenage years :-)

  20. When I was little my little sister threw a spider at me so to get her back when we played hide and seek next time I locked her in the wardrobe but I accidently broke the key in the lock. I tipped the wardrobe over and kicked the back in to get her out. Then to make sure my granddad didn't notice we put it back up and filled it with clothes and then next time our cousin came around got him to hide in it and we told granddad that he broke it. That about the naughtiest I got

  21. I used to hide my brothers glasses

  22. I was never horrid I was always a little angel! ;)

  23. Sometimes! I made my sister cry by putting Vick under her eyes!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. i can't think of anything haha i was a good girl :)

  26. i was a horror, especially at school x

  27. I used to beat up the boys

  28. i used to put bangers in my mothers fags

  29. filled my sisters wellies with water from the pond @mandsmanc

  30. nope, I was never horrible. I am an only child so I had no-one to terrorise :)

  31. I used to do all sorts of things and blame my brother

  32. Drew all over my wall and tried to hide it with my posters :)

  33. Sometimes, although not too often

  34. I was a wee rascal always up to no good

  35. No, I was a goody two shoes!

  36. I have to hold my hands up and confess to being a perfect peter until I turned 18 ... that's where it all went downhill


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