Sunday 10 November 2013


I was born on Remembrance Sunday, back when all the services were always on the Sunday nearest the 11th. Pivotal as it was I don't remember it myself, but I'm told that there were bells and there was snow....

I'm not a fan of war or fighting, I don't have any aspirations for any of mine to enlist in any of the services. I do clearly see though that if someone threatens you, you have to defend. I can see that at times in our history there was no option but to send our fittest off to fight the fittest that other countries could send, and far too many never got to go home, or they arrived home incomplete and shattered.

And I remember them, and I'm grateful for what they gave up for all those alongside and those who follow. What they did for people who they'd never have ever met.


  1. Lovely post Jenny, it's incredible what these people did isn't it. Happy birthday - I hope you have something rather lovely planned :)

    1. Thanks Charly - my birthday is actually Thursday. I haven't really planned anything, but I'm spending my first ever night away a couple of weekends afterwards :)

  2. Lovely post - it's been really interesting this year, explaining it all to E. He got very upset and said he wouldn't be able to remember all the names! Happy birthday for Thursday :)

    1. Aww, bless 5 year old has been asking questions this year too :)
      Cheers for Thursday :)

  3. Happy birthday for Thursday. We've been teaching 6yo about it recently too.

    1. Thanks hon :)
      I think it's been very noticable this year, I think all the young ones have spotted it more tha previously.

  4. you are getting 'candle' for your birthday on BNI! lol!

  5. A special week to have a birthday, and a special time to remember some incredibly brave people.


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